Optimize circular agricultural production

Atlas Atlas

We have the complete multidisciplinary expertise in-house that is required for the transition to a circular agricultural production model 

We map potential crop yields and valorisation opportunities on marginal lands under different regional conditions in Europe and optimize biomass production and valorisation with biofertilizers or soil additives, such as silicon. We also investigate 'circularity', i.e. the maximum use of input materials and reuse of the waste produced by the system.

Pyrolysis is a technology that can be used for the production of new adsorbents (i.e. biochar or active carbon) to improve the quality of moderately polluted soils and organic or inorganic polluted water. We have expertise in the overall pyrolysis optimization cycle: from reactor design to development of new methods to perform, qualify and quantify the adsorption characteristics of the developed adsorbents. We study biochar as matrix component for several new applications in agriculture and urban green areas.


  • Spacebakery -  is a closed ecological plant cultivation system and bakery that will aid the long-term survival of settlers on Mars in addition to being applicable for modern agriculture on Earth.
  • Biofoodonmars - Biofortified and climate-resilient food and fodder production on marginal soils
  • BASTA - Biochar’s added value in sustainable land use with targeted applications
  • ECOCITIES - Green roofs and green walls as a source of ecosystem services in our future cities.


Ann Cuypers

Ann Cuypers

Environmental Biology

Tom Kuppens

Tomkuppens Foto1

Environmental Economics

Robert Malina

Robert (1)

Environmental Economics

Francois Rineau


Environmental Biology

Sonja Schreurs

Sonja Schreurs

Nuclear Technology

Nadia Soudzilovskaia

Nadia Soudzilovskaia

Environmental Biology

Dries Vandamme

Dries Vandamme

Materials Chemistry

Jaco Vangronsveld


Environmental Biology

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