Solar cookers for all (Sc4all) is a collaboration between UHasselt and the University of Lubumbashi (UniLu, the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC) and made possible by the Belgian government (VLIR-UOS*).
The aim of the project is to do research and development of inexpensive homemade solar cookers for domestic use. Two Centres of Excellence (CoE) have been set-up at both universities that will facilitate the education of a new generation of students to come up with innovative sustainable solutions. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are at the core of these Centres of Excellence with a main focus on human health and protection of the tropical forests.
Solar cookers use the energy of direct sunlight to heat food by means of reflective panels. Different types of solar cooker appliances have been developed and made commercially available (Solar Cooker International). However, this project aims to develop, test and deploy novel solar cooker devices that are manufactured locally in resource limited settings with a focus on acceptance by the community.
*Sc4all is made possible by the Belgian government through the Flemish Interuniversity Council for University Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS), financed by the Federal Public Service for Development Cooperation.