To apply for a scholarship for a study/traineeship outside Europe (including the UK and Switzerland), you need to provide some information via a Google form and upload your completed application form in the same Google form. More information can be found in the call for scholarships outside Europe:
- Google form
- Application form
- Call
There are different scholarships available for an internship or a study stay outside Europe, depending on the length of your stay, the destination, ... . We offer scholarship from the Flemish government, the European Commission or internal UHasselt scholarship. The minimum grant amount for a stay outside Europe is 1,500 euros, this can vary depending on the duration and destination.
Based on your scholarship application and your selection interview at the faculty, you will or will not be awarded a scholarship. The International Office will inform you on this matter by e-mail and will provide you with instructions on the additional administration. For more information, you can always contact your faculty coordinator or Niels Lambrichts.