MAD - research in the arts

MAD-research is structured and driven by four research domains that develop their operation in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture and Arts of UHasselt and PXL-MAD School of Arts: ‘FRAME’, ‘MANUFrACTURE’, ‘READSEARCH’ and ‘Art education’. A brief summary of their core research activity is listed below. Please visit the individual pages for a full overview of their activities.

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Research Domains

MAD-research is structured and driven by four research domains that develop their operation in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture and Arts of UHasselt and PXL-MAD School of Arts: ‘FRAME’, ‘MANUFrACTURE’, ‘READSEARCH’ and ‘Art education’. A brief summary of their core research activity is listed below. Please visit the individual pages for a full overview of their activities.


FRAME unites researchers in the arts and in (interior) architecture. We explore unconventional forms of knowledge gathering and transfer, which can lead to new frameworks for thinking about images, defined in the broadest sense as crucial representations of reality or visual art.


MANUFrACTURE unites research into and with artistic objects that often occupy the interface between the free art, the object d'art, and design. We approach these objects - from jewelry art to the pellicule of a film - as nodes of meaning. Meaning that emerges from a physical, sensual interaction with material, with space, with the world. 


READSEARCH explores the boundaries of readability within typography for different audiences. We develop practical and typographic readability studies within a new conceptual framework that utilizes typographic design research.

Our research and output leads to improved reading materials and provides a better scientific basis for the subject of typographic design.


Research in Art Education focuses on (contemporary) artistic-educational issues in varying contexts. It aims to generate theory as well as artistic-educational practices. Central topics are mastery and apprenticeship, craftmanship, education as Bildung, the history of art education, the artistry of teaching, the neoliberalization of (art) education. The research domain unites researchers with both artistic and pedagogical backgrounds. It closely cooperates with the educational master programme in (audio)visual arts of PXL-MAD.

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