New legal e-book collections from Edward Elgar

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Starting from April 2024, students and staff of Hasselt University will have access to two e-book packages from Edward Elgar Publishing Company: the Essentials in European Law and the Elgar Advanced Introductions to Law Online.

Through the Essentials in European Law, students and researchers will gain access to more than 50 groundbreaking studies and reviews on a wide range of topics in European Law, including the institutional and legislative framework of the EU and key policy areas such as EU labor law, EU competition law, EU consumer law... Through the online platform, you can also consult about two hundred OA publications on Law, Management, Economics, SDGs, and Political and Social Sciences.

The Elgar Advanced Introductions to Law Online provide a concise and clear introduction to key fields within the law. Students encountering the subject for the first time will find an accessible synthesis. Advanced students and researchers are challenged with nuanced critiques of the field.

These e-resources will soon be made accessible through the library channels below.
Discovery Service | A-Z list | List of e-resources

Additionally, the Essentials in European Law will also be included in the online catalogue.

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