Second-Hand Book Fair in Support of Music for Life | De Warmste Week, December 9-10

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Find your next favorite book at our secondhand book fair!

Looking for a good read or a unique gift? Then the big secondhand book fair by the University Library and OBI is just the thing for you!

You'll find a wide selection of books: children's books, novels, thrillers, non-fiction, comics, and more. Everything is sold at affordable prices (max. €5), and all proceeds go to De Warmste Week.

🗓️ When?
Monday, December 9, and Tuesday, December 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

📍 Where?
The Agora at Campus Diepenbeek

Your books can make a difference!

Do you still have books to donate? You can drop them off at the Campus Library in Diepenbeek (contact person: An Baeten).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,

Team University Library

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