2022-03-18: Online access to a personal Legidex account.

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Since April 2019, Legidex's Legal Tech has been available to UHasselt students and academics through the Limburg Law Library.

In collaboration with the UHasselt University Library, starting from March 16, 2022, access to Legidex will also be possible via your own PC, laptop, or smartphone. This expansion is exclusively for UHasselt students and academics in the law faculty.

Utilizing artificial intelligence, Legidex provides access to consolidated Flemish, Walloon, Belgian, and European legislation, and includes a database with over 370,000 judgments (verdicts, rulings, etc.). Using a single search bar, you gain simultaneous access to all data.

  • On Thursday, April 28, 2022 (at 9 AM), a 2-hour presentation on Legal Tech and the use of Legidex is scheduled for doctorate students within the UHasselt PhD Efficiency program. For more information, contact Jonas Voorter and Loth Van Der Auwermeulen.
  • On Thursday, June 9 (from 2 PM to 3 PM), a Legidex workshop is planned in the main auditorium for first-year law students working on a Legidex-related project. Other law students seeking further insight are also welcome to attend. For more information, reach out to Prof. Dr. Tim Wuyts.
  • In the coming weeks, a brief (20-minute) introduction will also be provided for all interested parties who have activated online access.

By way of example, you can consult the Economic Law Code WER (Wetboek Economisch Recht). Full searching and accessing of legislation and case law (and much more) is immediately possible by registering your own (secured) account.

Register your Legidex account right away at www.legidex.com/uhasselt.

Wishing you an enjoyable journey through legal reading and learning!

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