2021-04-03: Access to the Springer e-Book collection

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Since 1st April 2021, Hasselt University has full-text access to all English-language and International Springer e-Books published from 2018 (i.e., copyright years 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021). Only the so-called 'major reference works' are not covered by our license. In total, this encompasses nearly 35,000 titles across a wide range of subject areas, all of which are accessible with no restrictions for at least 12 months. A review will be conducted next year: the most consulted titles will be acquired permanently, and if this package proves to be sufficiently popular, the agreement will be extended.

All e-books can be searched by title through our A-tot-Z e-book list, and they are also fully searchable through our discovery service (the central search bar on the library website's homepage).

On campus, everyone has automatic access to these e-books. By using the aforementioned tools or by utilizing the links on the library website, off-campus access is also covered. Staff members can, of course, make use of a VPN connection as well.