2022-02-04: Love (sensitive) data week

Sensitivedataweek Png (1) Sensitivedataweek Png (1)

From 14th to 18th February, we will be celebrating International Love Data Week! At Hasselt University, the focus of this week will be on the management of sensitive data (such as personal, confidential, genetic, etc.) during and after research projects. Register for one or more of these sessions through our training calendar.

We will begin with a panel discussion featuring Niel Hens (DSI), Lotte Geys (BIOMED), Michelle Plusquin (CMK), and Koen Van Laer (BEW), moderated by the Director of the Research Coordination Office, Sadia Vancauwenbergh. Our researchers will discuss their experiences with sensitive data in their research projects and/or daily practice, and share their ideas about sensitive data management.

Throughout the week, we will provide several interactive training sessions covering different types of sensitive data, the impact of sensitive data on your data management (plan), and recommended practices to secure your sensitive data. Knowledge clips about the GDPR checklist, informed consent, and ethical committees will be made available online and can be discussed during our Q&A session.

Love (Sensitive) Data Week is organized by the RDM-team in collaboration with Stephanie Ruysschaert (RRI and GDPR expert) and Debbie Melissas (legal expert).

Sensitive Data Week