Tidy data part 2: How to document your data

07 November 2024
campus Diepenbeek

This event has already taken place.


This course will teach you the basic principles of making your data understandable. We will explore the possibilities of documentation tools such as ReadMe files, Smart notebooks and Codebooks. You will learn how to apply (semantic) file versioning and document your versions with a changelog. Finally, you will get an overview of the institution's partly financed Electronic Research Notebooks. At the end, we will put the theory into practice with a hands-on (using these tools with a fictional research example or on your own data).

After this session, you will learn how to make your data understandable, increasing efficiency and reproducibility!

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED: You need to be familiar with the RDM structure concepts. Otherwise, we recommend following Tidy data part 1: how to structure your data.

Learning outcomes

After attending this training, participants will...

  • understand best practices in documenting data;
  • be able to implement ReadMe files and codebooks;
  • be aware of controlled vocabularies and ontologies;
  • be able to choose the correct Electronic or Smart Research Notebook for your discipline;
  • be able to apply semantic versioning and keep a changelog.


For whom?

  • researchers
  • 16 places available

When and where?

  • November 7, 2024 - 10:00-12:00
  • campus Diepenbeek, building D, room E140


  • Register here until October 28, 2024.
  • After the registration deadline has passed, you will receive a calendar invite with all practical information for this course.
  • Please cancel your registration at least one week in advance in case you cannot make it by sending an email to rdm@uhasselt.be (cf. cancellation policy).

Acknowledged by Doctoral Schools?

  • DS Sciences & Technology: acknowledged as 'Research management' - course/workshop at developing general research skills.
  • DS Behavioral Sciences & Humanities: acknowledged as 'Research management & communication skills' - course/workshop aimed at developing research (management) skills.
  • DS Health & Life Sciences. For PhD students of the Doctoral School of Health & Life Sciences, a combination of different sessions (adding up to a half/full day) can be acknowledged together as (half) a transferable skills course.
  • The training will be added automatically to the doctoral portfolio of the PhD students who signed the attendance list.
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