Request ISBN

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is a unique international identification number assigned to a publication. The ISBN is used in the order management systems of bookstores and book distribution companies, as well as in the catalogues and ordering systems of libraries. The number makes a publication easier to find and identify in various systems.

When should you request an ISBN?

You can request an ISBN if UHasselt is the publisher of your publication, such as for doctoral theses, reports, and papers.

The ISBN is not mandatory but strongly recommended if you plan to distribute your publication through bookstores, department stores, etc.

How do you request an ISBN?

Download the application form (*.docx) and send it to the library (An Baeten).
The library will then request the ISBN from the Boekenbank and communicate it to the applicant. The applicant ensures that the number is printed in the book.


The application for an ISBN is not free. The current rates for an ISBN application are available on the website of the Boekenbank. Please note that UHasselt is not a member of GAU, GEWU, or Meta4Books.

Depot Number

When you request an ISBN, you are required to also include a Depot Number in your publication. After obtaining an ISBN, you need to contact Patrick Carmans to deposit your publication at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR).

The Depot Number is an identification number required by law for all publications issued in Belgium (or written by Belgian authors). Its purpose is to collect, index, and preserve 'cultural heritage'. The deposited publications are included in the Belgian Bibliography, giving them more visibility at the national and international levels.