Gebouw E<br />Office E-A02a"> Campus Diepenbeek
Gebouw E
Office E-A02a
PhD student
Discipline codes: Art studies and sciences not elsewhere classified (06040399), Other anthropology not elsewhere classified (05109999), Postcolonial studies (05100111), Architecture not elsewhere classified (06040299), Sustainable design (06040107)
Title presentation: Tipping points: the Campine coal basin
Place: ’Ecole nationale supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille (ENSAPL)
Institution - Conference: International Post Mining Network
Title presentation: Geologic Architecture and its Extraction Landscapes
Institution - Conference: DS2BE
Title presentation: Permeance: Unearthing Traces of Geologic Architecture in Landscapes of Extraction
Place: EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Habitat Research Center
Title conference: Post-extraction territories in transition
Title presentation: Tipping points: shape-shifting naturecultures and terres-ils in the Campine coal basin
Place: University of Portsmouth
Title conference: AHRA 2023 - SITUATED ECOLOGIES OF CARE: Lixiviated Soils
Title presentation: Gut Feelings. (Self-) Pedagogies for Embodied Knowledge.
Place: University of Portsmouth
Title conference: AHRA 2023 - SITUATED ECOLOGIES OF CARE: Dirty Pedagogies: Caring for a Polluted World