Educational Tools for (Nuclear) Physics and Engineering

Teachers STEM internationally
Educational master students, (pre-service) teachers STEM
Dates: 25 - 26 October 2023
Also possible to register for one day
Location: Old prison Hasselt and excursion
Event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

SHOOT Iiw Informatica 006 SHOOT Iiw Informatica 006

Register here


Wednesday 25/10/2023


Registration panopticum + coffee in foyer
Welcome and introduction program

Braver Erasmus+ challenges (Isabelle Gerardi, He2B-ISIB)

Nuclear career for the future (Guido Mulier, SCK CEN)

Italian Radiolab initiative for high school pupils (Flavia Groppi, UMilano)

ENEN and SCK CEN academy activities for STEM education (Jakob Luyten, SCK CEN)


Lunch : Foyer

Workshop 1 (Select 1)

    1. Virtual reality and 3D visualization of science
    2. Experiments in Mathematics: Modelling, Quadrature and Errors
    3. GIS mapping of scientific data
    4. Science communication
    5. Virtual escaperoom design using Genially

Workshop 2 (Select 1)

    1. Virtual reality and 3D visualization of science
    2. Experiments in Mathematics: Modelling, Quadrature and Errors
    3. GIS mapping of scientific data
    4. Science communication
    5. Virtual escaperoom design using Genially

16h: End of day 1

Thursday 26/10/2023


Registration (1 day registration) panopticum + coffee foyer

Welcome and program

Workshop 1 (select 1)

    1. Virtual reality and 3D visualization of science
    2. Mathematical modelling in STEM education
    3. GIS mapping of scientific data
    4. SDG workshop integration in education
    5. Virtual escaperoom design using Genially

Workshop 2 (Select 1)

    1. Virtual reality and 3D visualization of science
    2. Mathematical modelling in STEM education
    3. GIS mapping of scientific data
    4. SDG workshop integration in education
    5. Virtual escaperoom design using Genially

12h – 13h: Lunch

Excursions (registration obliged, limited number of participants)

    1. Departure for Tabloo visit: bus
    2. Departure for Aperam-EDM: bus

17h: End of day 2


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