Complex Perspectives on Modern Heritage Seminar

We are happy to present you the validation of Winter Wednesdays Lectures ‘22-’23 by Docomomo Belgium organised by Marie Moors (UHasselt / Docomomo BE) and Zsuzsanna Böröcz (KULeuven / Docomomo BE) in partnership with Sven Sterken (KULeuven), Els De Vos (UAntwerpen), Eva Storgaard (UAntwerpen) and Stephanie Van De Voorde (VUB).

12 oktober 2023
09:00 - 18:30
Campus Oude Gevangenis, lokaal FR 1.11, Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt
Marie Moors Tekening Marie Moors Tekening

Dit event is reeds afgelopen


  • 9.30 am: Presentation of the relevant topics and questions from the Winter Wednesdays Lectures ’22-‘23 (Marie Moors, UHasselt / Docomomo BE)

  • 10.00 am: Lecture INTERIORS REVISITED: the Re-Use of Modernistic Buildings Master Studio Interieur at the Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp (Eva Storgaard, UAntwerpen)

  • 11.00 am: Coffee & Networking

  • 11.30 am: Discussion on topic 1 ‘Intentional Values of Post-war Modernist Housing Ensembles’ *

  • 1.00 pm: Lunch & Networking

  • 2.00 pm: Discussion on topic 2 ‘Building culture is imbedded in the material. Authenticity of MoMo buildings through their (regional) materials’ *

  • 3.30 pm: Coffee & Networking

  • 4.00 pm: Round Table and Summary of the discussion 

  • 6.00 pm: Reception & Networking

* The two discussion sessions are based on abstracts and supportive texts which will be distributed after registration to the participants of the sessions, as preparation. Presence in person is required to participate in the discussion sessions.

This is a hybrid event, open to externals (online or in person), only after registration. We encourage practical architects with experience in modernist heritage projects to join our seminar.


  • Thursday October 12th 2023
  • 09.00 am - 06.30 pm
  • Hasselt University - Campus Hasselt, Martelarenlaan 42 - B-3500, Room FR-1.11
  • Registration is free but obligatory, before the 22th of september 2023. To register: Send us your name, affiliation and in-person/online attendance

  • Coffee breaks and vegetarian lunch included
  • You receive the link to the online event, after registration
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