Lecture André Loeckx: Participation

This year, the Faculty of Architecture and Arts is awarding the Francqui Chair to André Loeckx, emeritus professor of architectural theory in the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Spatial Planning at KU Leuven.

12 mei 2022
11:30 - 12:30
Campus Oude Gevangenis, Aula Roppe, UHasselt, Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt
Andre Loeckx ©Katrijn Van Giel Andre Loeckx ©Katrijn Van Giel

Dit event is reeds afgelopen

Lecture: Participatie

André Loeckx reflects on the history of participation (in Flanders) using a text by Tzonis and Lefaivre with Ringland as the final case. Have participation processes only increased the involvement of a diversity of actors in spatial processes? Or have they also helped to redesign the nature and use of these processes in line with this diversity of actors: a better urban and spatial planning, renewal of democracy, etc.?

  • This lecture is open for researchers of the faculty of Architecture and Arts UHasselt, LUCA School of Arts (Research Unit Inter-Actions) and PXL-MAD.
  • The lecture can be attend online or in person
  • The language is English

Seminar PhD students

The lecture ends with a series of notions/issues. A number of researchers present ongoing participation trajectories from the region: North-South Limburg; Stiemerbeek, Genk and Werken aan Wijken, Hasselt. Then the researchers use these concepts to question / compare these trajectories.

  • This Seminar is only for researchers of the faculty of Architecture and Arts UHasselt, LUCA School of Arts (Research Unit Inter-Actions) and PXL-MAD.
  • The seminar is in person

About André Loeckx

André Loeckx is emeritus professor of architectural theory at the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Spatial Planning at KU Leuven. He is also co-founder of the Flemish Architecture Institute, was chairman of the Jury Stadsvernieuwingsprojecten, is part of the expert group that guides the team of Vlaamse Bouwmeester and is external expert for Ringland. In 2021 Loeckx received the Ultima for Architecture, the cultural prize of the Flemish Community.

Francqui Leerstoel

In 1932, Emile Francqui and Herbert Hoover jointly decided to set up a Foundation, to which they entrusted an important capital. This Foundation was intended to « promote the development of higher education and scientific research in Belgium ». It was Herbert Hoover who insisted that this Foundation should bear the name of Emile Francqui in order to make the memory continue to the man who had done so much for his country and for science.

On proposal of the Universities, the Francqui Foundation attributes each year some "Francqui Chairs"

Visit the Francqui Foundation for more information.


  • Thursday 12th May 2022

  • Lecture: 11h30 - 12h30, open to all
  • Location: UHasselt Campus Oude Gevangenis, Aula Roppe, Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt

  • Seminar: 13h30 - 16h30, open to PhD students
  • Location: UHasselt Campus Oude Gevangenis, Room FR 0.14, Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt

  • An overview of al lectures.
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