Let’s Get Phygital

Please join us for the exhibition opening and panel discussion of Let’s get Phygital, on the 9th of November, 2023, starting at 18:00, at PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt. 

09 november 2023
PXL MAD, C0.33, Elfde Liniestraat 25, 3500 Hasselt
Lisandra Turkson Seacreature 2023 Digital Adornment Lisandra Turkson (1) Lisandra Turkson Seacreature 2023 Digital Adornment Lisandra Turkson (1)

Dit event is reeds afgelopen

'Let's Get Phygital' is an exhibition celebrating the third edition of a collaborative project between the jewellery departments of London College of Fashion (UAL), Estonia Academy of the Arts (EKA), and PXL MAD School Of Arts, Hasselt. The exhibition is not only set to acknowledge how digital experiences can be used to advance design thinking and practice, but also creates an IRL space for digital jewellery to exist in.

Responding to the world’s new, digital reality, students were prompted to explore ways of connecting and creating through envisioning virtual environments for jewellery collections. By considering the meaning and purpose behind jewellery adornments, the cohort utilized design to tell stories and shape identity through digital social platforms.
Challenged with subverting conventional design and manufacturing approaches, the cohort investigated how contemporary jewellery can exist in non-physical forms and developed digital jewellery works related to personal projects in response. Using Augmented Reality (AR) filters for social platforms as a tool to directly interact with their audience, they explored digital possibilities and digital wearability within contemporary jewellery.

'Let's Get Phygital' reflects on students’ intuitive design approach and most importantly invites viewers to try on digital jewellery products. By using technology and social platforms in this way, we are prompted to explore new relationships between the wearer and the designer and analyze how new product design processes interact with digital technologies.

Opening night

On November 9, 2023, as part of the exhibition’s opening night at PXL-MAD School of Arts in Hasselt, a panel discussion will take place. This discussion will feature Darja Popolitova, Mala Siamptani, and Anneleen Swillen, organisers and curators of the project, engaging in a conversation with graphic designer Guus Vandeweerd and XR-performer Ine Vanoeveren. The topics of discussion will revolve around themes such as digital adornment, virtual identity, and XR-performance in the context of our evolving phygital age.

The exhibition opens at 18:00 at ‘De Kooi’, building C, PXL-MAD. Subsequently, the panel discussion will be held on the ground floor of building G, in the Object & Jewellery department, starting at 18:30. After the panel discussion, we invite you to join us for a reception, and you'll have the chance to further explore the exhibition.

The Exhibition

The exhibition shows works by Dijun Sha, Mandy Dai, Chu-Hui (Mary) Lin, Yawen (Elwen) Luo, Yunru Xie, Madalena Apolinario, Sousa Nunes Sereno, Shiyu Huang, Mia Vilcins, Kung-Hsuan Chang, Qiuwen Lyu, Xinmiao Yu (students and alumni UAL), Katrin-Maria Terras, Lisandra Türkson, Anni Vallsalu, Epp Vislapuu (students and alumni EKA), Sarah Nicolai, Tyana Verstraete, Guus Vandeweerd, and Giusi Schuller (students PXL-MAD).

About the speakers

  • Mala Siamptani is a design practitioner with substantial experience in the research, development and delivery of creative projects in Fashion, Design and Art. After obtaining two Masters degrees and currently conducting a PhD research, Mala runs her studio in east London specializing in the design and manufacture of products and sculptural objects. Following extensive material research, Mala’s work attempts to connect traditional craft with digital technology. This is evident through her work in education, where she has been providing up-to-date knowledge, expertise and experience of professional practice in a specific 3D/Jewellery specialist subject area. Mala delivers workshops and presentations on experimental processes and the future of material culture. Through her design work and research, Mala demonstrates both the use and need for material research and its acknowledgment of experiential knowledge to advance craft thinking and practice.

  • Darja Popolitova uses jewellery, digital techniques and video in her work. Combining these media, she questions: how to initiate a cognitive transfer from the virtual to tactile in a way that can provoke social and cultural change? In creating jewellery, she uses innovative and sustainable technologies and materials. One of her first solo exhibitions “Eros Loading” (2017, HOP gallery) highlighted the theme of digital intimacy and how people’s behaviour on virtual platforms is related to narcissism. The exhibition “iTouch Store” (2019, A-gallery’s Vault) looked at touch within the context of digital culture and showed how representations of jewellery can be used to convey tactile qualities. In her videos, Popolitova uses her own body and jewellery. In “Magical Hotspot” (2020, Vent Space) she performed as Seraphita the witch, a fictional character inspired by magicians who use various screen-based platforms.

  • Belgian flutist and Doctor of Musical Arts, Ine Vanoeveren, is specialized in contemporary music and XR-performance. She performed at numerous contemporary music festivals worldwide and won several international awards and prizes. In addition to performing, Ine is an assistant professor in contemporary music performance at the Royal Conservatory of Liège, and a researcher in XR-performance and metaverse applications at Hogeschool PXL, Hasselt, Belgium. She is also the coordinator of the brand new Virtual Art & Entertainment Lab of Hogeschool PXL. She is part of the digital arts collective studio.POC, where she focuses on hybrid digital performances in virtual surroundings.

  • Guus Vandeweerd recently completed his master's degree in graphic design at PXL-MAD School of Arts. During his studies, he focused his research on the topic of digital identity, particularly avatars. He delved into exploring the complexities and implications of how we represent ourselves in the digital realm. In addition to his academic endeavors, Guus broadened his knowledge and skills through an internship at Artificial Intelligems. He actively participated in collaborative projects with the collective of Artificial Intelligems and other talented individuals. Currently, Guus continues his research in the realm of digital identity at PXL-MAD School of Arts, working closely with Dr. Prof. Ine Vanoeveren. Together, they aim to further delve into the topic of digital identity and its impact on our lives.
  • Anneleen Swillen is a postdoctoral researcher and tutor at PXL-MAD School of Arts and Hasselt University, located in Belgium. Her work revolves around the exploration of jewellery in a phygital culture through research in the arts, education, curation, and writing. In 2020, she founded "Artificial Intelligems" in collaboration with composer and data engineer Greg Scheirlinckx. As a fluid collective, currently working on the intersection of jewellery, graphic design, music, XR-performance, dance, and data science, they aim to connect people, artistic practices, and technologies to explore more-than-human co-creation.

Team Let's Get Phygital: Mala Siamptani (UAL), Darja Popolitova (EKA), Mouhannad Al-Sayegh (UAL), Anneleen Swillen (PXL-MAD).

About the picture: Lisandra Turkson, Sea Creature (2023) 

Practical Information

  • Thursday November 9th 2023
  • 18h00: Opening exhibition: "Let's Get Phygital"
  • 18h30 - 19h30: Pane discussion
  • 19h30: Reception
  • PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt Elfde-Liniestraat 25, Building C, 3500 Hasselt 

  • The lecture is open to anyone interested in the topic
  • It will be a hybrid event. However, live attendance is recommended for participants.
  • Registration is obligatory
Register here
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