UMSC course: 'How to become an expert in MS?'

10 december 2022 - 18 februari 2023
Rehabilitation and MS Center Pelt (partly hybrid)

Dit event is reeds afgelopen

The University MS Center (UMSC) is a partnership between the biomedical research institute of
Hasselt University and the rehabilitation & MS center within Noorderhart Pelt. UMSC is an
international center of expertise where advanced MS research is performed in order to offer the
best care for persons with MS. Within this center, we focus on MS research, education and
collaboration with persons with MS. In the light of educational programs we will organise a course
'How to become an expert in MS'? Target groups for this course are: (assistant) neurologists, other
care professionals and researchers. This course will be taught by several clinical experts and spread
over 4 sessions.

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