Collen-Francqui leerstoel by Prof. Suzanne Guidetti : 'Participation through occupations that giving a meaningful everyday life '

One of our biggest health challenges is the non-communicable diseases have consequences in the functioning of everyday life due to impairments, activity restrictions and participation restrictions.

26 september 2024
17:00 - 20:00
Campus Hasselt, Oude Gevangenis
Foto 29 Foto 29

The sudden changes in people's life world that is experienced as the subjective, historical, social, concrete and practical world can lead to one no longer being able to do the activities that one usually does in everyday life. Our previous qualitative studies showed that after a stroke, people no longer experienced their daily activities as a matter of course, that is, activities that are performed automatically and without thinking.

Rehabilitation strategies could increase individual autonomy and participation in daily activities to enable people to make decisions and act as they wish.  Our previous qualitative studies identified that, for example, occupational therapists used different therapeutic strategies in their interventions, such as providing structured instructions or feedback on specific client-identified activities and initiating adaptations in a familiar context. To strengthen the client/person-centered perspective in rehabilitation, it was necessary to understand the needs, priorities and goals of people and their families.


Participation is free. Registration is obligated:

Click here for registration.


  • The lecture is a hybrid lecture. You can participate on campus or follow the lecture online. The link will be provided after registration.
  • The lecture will take place on campus in the Louis Roppe Aula, Campus Oude Gevangenis in Hasselt.
Fondation Francqui

Lezing Collen-Francqui Leerstoel:
Prof dr. Giudetti - ‘Complex interventions in healthcare: from development to implementation’ 

Prof. Suzanne Guidetti is hoogleraar aan het Karolinska Institute in Zweden binnen de masteropleiding Ergotherapeutische Wetenschappen en groepsleider van de onderzoeksgroep ‘HELD’ – Gezondheid in het dagelijks leven voor mensen met  neurologische aandoeningen.
Sinds 2008 heeft Susanne Guidetti haar klinische en educatieve ervaringen gecombineerd met een academische onderzoeks carrière met de focus op complexe interventies en e-Health bij personen met neurologische aandoeningen. Ze is betrokken geweest bij het opstellen van strategieën voor klinisch onderwijs en onderzoek zoals het ontwikkelen en implementeren van evidence based richtlijnen.

De faculteit Revalidatiewetenschappen van de UHasselt heeft de Francqui-leerstoel toegekend aan Prof. Guidetti. De lezing ‘Complex interventions in healthcare: from development to implementation’ is de eerste uit de lezingenreeks in kader van de Francqui leerstoel.

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