Beste student Beste collega
We nodigen u graag uit om samen met ons het academiejaar feestelijk te openen op dinsdag 17 september 2024 om 18:00 uur op Campus Diepenbeek aula H2. Vooreerst geeft de decaan van de Faculteit Wetenschappen, Prof. dr. Jan Colpaert, het startschot voor het nieuwe academiejaar. Vervolgens geeft Walter Eevers het openingscollege. Nadien bieden wij een receptie aan met een hapje en een drankje om te klinken op het nieuwe academiejaar. Walter Eevers is Director Research & Valorisation at VITO, a leading Belgian research institute on sustainability. After obtaining his PhD on electrical conductive polymers from Antwerp University, he joined Nitto Europe where he was responsible for R&D and business development until he became General Manager Techno-Marketing. He became involved in global technology sourcing and marketing by setting up multiple collaborations with universities and research institutes. In 2012 he was the founding father of the company Nitto Denko Europe Technical Centre in Lausanne, dedicated to research activities in medical devices. He studied MBA at UHasselt 1998-2000. In 2013 he joined VITO as Director responsible for Valorisation and Strategic Partnerships in which he was involved in the creation of several spin offs. In 2016 he was appointed to Director Research. In accordance with this research agenda at VITO he is actively participating in several organisations dedicated to sustainability. He is chairing the board of Energyville, the collaboration between the KU Leuven, University of Hasselt, IMEC and VITO in the domain of sustainable energy research and CO2Value Europe, an industry association promoting and stimulating CCU. Furthermore, he is actively involved in the board of Capture and Catalisti. As from January 1 st , 2024 Walter is the newly appointed Director of Research & Valorisation, leading the venturing tech transfer team, IP team, Project Office team and PhD team to new sustainable horizons. Additionally, he is also connected to the educational world. He is visiting professor at the University of Antwerp, teaching polymer and applied polymer chemistry and since 2023 also appointed as Fellow at the University of Hasselt.
Het openingscollege wordt georganiseerd door de opleidingen chemie, fysica en materiomics. Gelieve uw aanwezigheid te registreren vóór maandag 16 september 17:00 uur via deze link.
We hopen u te mogen verwelkomen!
Het bestuur van de opleidingen Bachelor in de chemie, Bachelor in de fysica en Master in materiomics