Infosession Timemanagement (EN)

25 oktober 2022
18:00 - 19:00
Online (via Google meet)

Dit event is reeds afgelopen


In this info session, you will get an answer to the following questions:

  • What tips should I keep in mind before I start planning?
  • How do I determine my priorities?
  • How do I make a realistic planning?
  • How do I ensure my planning does not end up in the wastepaper basket?

You get tips on how to prepare a feasible plan. You will learn how to deal with unexpected changes and how to set priorities. After this session, you will have all the tricks in your back pocket to create a realistic study schedule and stick to it!


What: online info session + workshop
For whom: all (first-year) students who want to optimize their study method
Duration: 1 hour

After registration, you receive an invitation with a link to the online session.


Register here

Via this Meetlink you can follow the infosession
Terug naar het Infosessies en workshops studentenondersteuning overzicht