Studium Generale Lecture - Solar Cookers for All - A research collaboration with the University of Lubumbashi

Lecture by the Solar Cooker Team and Luc Bijnens, emeritus professor of the UHasselt Data Science Institute 

29 oktober 2024
18:30 - 20:00
Campus Diepenbeek, aula H4
Solar Solar

This project constitutes a collaboration of several faculties at UHasselt and the University of Lubumbashi (UniLu) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Students of engineering, physics, statistics, and sociology from both universities team up to research and develop cooking devices. These cookers harvest direct sunlight via reflective panels to prepare food for domestic use. The project aims to help reduce the domestic use of charcoal in central Africa. Charcoal is the main fuel for cooking and has a large negative environmental and health impact.  The collaboration focuses on the construction and performance testing of prototypes. The project aims to build a centre of expertise at UniLu that will train future students to become specialists in methods to address climate change. At the same time, a spin-off company called UniLu will be founded to enhance the distribution of solar cookers in the DRC.

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