Prof. dr. Patrizia ZANONI

Prof. dr. Patrizia ZANONI

Over mezelf

I am a Full Professor at Hasselt University, today affiliated to the School of Social Sciences of which I am one of the founders, after over a decade at the Faculty of Business Economics. Between 2018 and 2023, I also held the Chair in Organization Studies at the Utrecht School of Governance of Utrecht University in The Netherlands on a part-time basis.

Combining insights from organization studiese, political science, anthropology and political economy, my work investigates topics related to diversity (e.g., gender, 'race', ethnicity, disability... and their intersections), inequality, control and resistance, value, algorithmic technology, class relations, alienation, emancipation, social reproduction, the crowd, and the potential of alternative organizations to address capitalist contradictions and to foster social justice. Theoretically, I draw on theories including contemporary Marxism, critical discourse analysis, Marxist and post-structuralist feminisms, labor process theory. Methodologically, I largely rely on case studies and on a variety of qualitative methods including ethnography, interviews, focus groups, as well as archival and document analysis.

I teach on diversity and diversity policy, work, social change, qualitative and ethnographic methods, and grand challenges such as diversity, digitalization and democracy. In the past, I coordinated and taught courses such as introduction to sociology, HRM, qualitative methods, and globalization and sustainable development.

I am currently supervising PhD projects on algorithmic control (FWO project, 2019-2022), brand activism (FWO individual scholarship, 2021-2025), gender equality and collective bargaining in Belgium (2018-2023), and intersectional equality policy in research and innovation (INSPIRE HorizonEurope, 2022-2026). I am also lead PI of the CHANSE Project "Humans in Digital Logistics" (HuLog, 2022-2025), in collaboration with Germany, Poland and the UK.

Since 2020, I am one of the two proud co-editors in chief of Organization: The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and Society. From August of 2017 to August of 2022, I served as a member of the executive of the Critical Management Studies Division of the Academy of Management. I am member of the AndersUtrecht collective and the Dutch chapter of Democratizing Work. I regularly give lectures to students, academics and practioners. I am a member of the faculty of the AIDEA summer school in Capri. In 2022, I was awarded an Emma Goldman Award by the Flax Foundation for my work on equality.


Disciplinecodes: Ras- en etnische relaties (05090601), Sociale differentiatie, stratificatie en sociale mobiliteit (05090602), Sociologie van gender- en genderrelaties (05090603), Sociologie van sociale klasse (05090604), Etniciteit en migratiestudies (05100107), Andere antropologie niet elders geclassificeerd (05109999), Radicale en kritische sociologie, feministische studies (05090105), Bedrijfsadministratie (05020202), Cultureel management (05020603), Human resource management (05020604), Organisatie- en managementtheorie (05020609), Organisationeel management (05020610), Openbaar en not-for-profit management (05020613)

Begeleide doctoraten


Er zijn 35 onderzoeksprojecten gevonden


Betrokken bij de volgende opleidingsonderdelen

Academiejaar 2024 - 2025

Academiejaar 2023 - 2024

In de kijker