
PhD (also see the Mathematics Genealogy Project)

Promotor, ongoing

  1. Ayesha Javed (Hasselt University), with Koondanibha Mitra

Co-promotor, ongoing

  1. Leonardo Angeli (Hasselt University), promotor Niel Hens
  2. Sebastian Smyk (University of Stuttgart), promotor Christian Rohde

Promotor, graduated

  1. Sohely Sharmin, Upscaling of two-phase porous-media flows with evolving fluid-fluid interfaces at the pore scale (2022, Hasselt University), currently HR Data Analyst at Punch Powertrain
  2. Stephan Lunowa, Dynamic Capillarity and Hysteretic Effects in Two­Phase Flow in Porous Media: Modeling, Upscaling and Simulation, Hasselt University (2022, Hasselt University), currently at TU Munich
  3. Manuela Bastidas Olivares, Multi-scale methods for the numerical simulation of flow and reactive transport in porous media (2021, Hasselt University), co-supervisors C. Bringedal (Stuttgart), J. Schuetz (Hasselt), F.A. Radu (Bergen), currrently Ass. Prof. at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin
  4. Koondanibha Mitra, Mathematical Complexities in Porous Media Flow (cum laude, 2019, Eindhoven University of Technology/Hasselt University), with B. Koren (Eindhoven), currently Ass. Prof. at Eindhoven University of Technology
  5. Stefan Karpinski, Numerical analysis of an interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin scheme for two phase flow in heterogeneous porous media with discontinuous dynamic capillary pressure effects (2017, Hasselt University), co-supervisor F.A. Radu (Bergen), currently manager at ESPRiT Engineering
  6. Xiulei Cao, Mathematical and Numerical Analysis for Non-Equilibrium Two Phase Flow Models in Porous Media (2016, Eindhoven University of Technology), co-promotor C.J. van Duijn (Eindhoven), currently postdoc at York University
  7. Kundan KumarUpscaling of Reactive Flows (cum laude, 2012, Eindhoven University of Technology), co-promotor M.A. Peletier (Eindhoven), currently Full Prof. at University of Bergen
  8. Yabin Fan, Dynamic Capillarity in Porous Media - Mathematical Analysis (2012, Eindhoven University of Technology, with C.J. van Duijn)

Co-promotor, graduated

  1. Lars von Wolff, The Phase Field Approach for Reactive Fluid–Solid Interfaces: Modeling and Homogenization (2022, University of Stuttgart), with Christian Rohde (main), currently at Bosch
  2. Arjen Mascini, Linking wettability to multiphase flow in rocks : a pore-scale investigation using 4D X-ray microtomography (2022, Ghent University), with Veerle Cnudde (main) and Tom Bultreys
  3. Davide IllianoRobust solvers for fully coupled transport and flow in saturated/unsaturated porous media (2021, University of Bergen), supervisor in Bergen Florin Adrian Radu (main)
  4. David Landa MarbanMathematical Modeling of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery with Focus on Bio-Plug Technology: From the Pore to the Core Scale (2019, University of Bergen), supervisors in Bergen: F.A. Radu (main), K. Kumar, currently at NORCE Research
  5. Carina BringedalModeling of heat transfer in porous media in the context of geothermal energy extraction (2015, University of Bergen), supervisors in Bergen: I. Berre (main) and F.A. Radu
  6. Magnus Redeker, Adaptive Two-Scale Models for Processes with Evolution of Microstructures  (2014, Universität Stuttgart), supervisor in Stuttgart C. Rohde (main)

Supervisors committee, ongoing

  1. Jeremy Chouchoulis (Hasselt University), promotor Jochen Schuetz
  2. Eleni Theodosiou (Hasselt University), promotor Jochen Schuetz
  3. Hoang An Tran, (Hasselt University), promotor Jochen Schuetz

Supervisors committee, graduated

  1. James Wambua (Hasselt University), promotor Niel Hens
  2. Maikel Bosschaert (2023, Hasselt University), promotor Peter De Maesschalck
  3. Alexander Jaust (2018, Hasselt University), promotors Jochen Schuetz and Manuel Torrilhon
  4. Klaus Kaiser (2018, Hasselt University), promotors Jochen Schuetz and Sebastian Noelle

Postdoctoral researchers

  1. Koondanibha Mitra (2022-2023, Hasselt University), currently Ass. Prof. at Eindhoven University of Technology
  2. Tobias Köppl (2022-2023, Hasselt University), currently researcher at Fraunhofer-Institut (FOKUS, Berlin)
  3. Anh-Khoa Vo (2019, Hasselt University), currently Ass. Prof. at Florida A&M University (FAMU), Tallahassee.
  4. Markus Gahn (2019, Hasselt University), currently postdoc at University of Heidelberg
  5. Carina Bringedal (2017-2018, Hasselt University), currently Full Prof. at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  6. Simplice Nemadjieu (2012-2014, Eindhoven University of Technology), currently at University of Erlangen
  7. Tycho van Noorden (2004-2010, Eindhoven University of Technology), currently at COMSOL BV