
Hasselt University has history of research, education and valorisation on artificial intelligence that serves our focus on making our society ready for the digital and data-driven future.

This future will be the cornerstone of a more informed, inclusive, and resilient society, paving the path to value-based innovation and progress.

Disclaimer: the artwork on this page is partially AI-generated.


AI Research at Hasselt University

UHasselt has a mission as a civic university to gain insight into pressing societal questions. In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence has progressively disrupted our society by bringing incredible potential but also unexplored risks.

Our researchers aim to help our international network of partners in the search for answers.

Doing so, we closely follow European initiatives, such as the AI act, that serve the same purpose of helping our society make the most of this upcoming technology.

Following the AI act, we adhere to the definition of Artificial Intelligence:

AI systems are designed to operate with a certain level of autonomy and, based on machine and/or human-provided data and inputs, infer how to achieve a given set of human-defined objectives using machine learning and/or logic- and knowledge based approaches, and produces system-generated outputs such as content (generative AI systems), predictions, recommendations or decisions , influencing the environments with which the AI system interacts.

AI Header

AI communities at UHasselt

UHasselt supports and interacts with the three pillars through which the Flemish government supports AI research and development:

  • The Flanders AI Research Program (FAIR)
  • The Flanders AI Academy (VAIA)
  • Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)

We are also proud members of the inter-university training network for methodology and statistics (FLAMES) and the Flanders AI EDIH consortium coordinated by IMEC (Flander AI Hub).

For Ethical, Legal and Societal questions on AI, we refer to the Knowledge Centre Data and Society

Generative AI

Currently, we are in the process of developing Guidelines concerning the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) at Hasselt University.

Read more at the website of our RDM department.


Highlights & News

Workshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies @ EICS'2024

The team of Prof. Kris Luyten organized a workshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies at the EICS 2024 conference – Tuesday June 24th or June 25th 2024 in Caglieri, Italy.

This workshop was the second edition and brought together researchers and practitioners interested in the engineering of interactive systems that embed AI technologies (as for instance, AI-based recommender systems) or that use AI during the engineering lifecycle.

Flames Machine Learning Course

Dr. Axel-Jan Rousseau presented a course on machine learning in the FLAMES network, together with KUL colleague Dr. Martial Luyts.

The course was designed as an introductory course to get a foundational understanding of some basic machine learning techniques. These techniques were accompanied by exercises in Python and by means of the scikit-learn package to try some of these data pipelines yourself.

New VAIA coordinator

UHasselt recently had the pleasure of welcoming a new VAIA coordinator, Shoera Sels.

Shoera will work together with our UHasselt researchers to bring value to the VAIA training network and bring our research closer to practice.

Please get in touch with us if you have news to share at!

Single Point of Contact for information on AI Research, Education and Valorisation

e-mail (for researchers and companies) Campus office (E113) Opening times

Building D reception is open on:

weekdays: 8.00 to 16.00

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Building D is accessible on:

weekdays: 7.00 to 21.00

Saturday: 7.30 to 18.00

Sunday: Closed

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