Prof. Liesbet Peeters leads the Research Group in Biomedical Data Sciences and is affiliated to the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED) and Data Science Institute of UHasselt. Her team’s research is driven by the mission that one day every single person gets the treatment they deserve in a timely manner. One of the main challenges of today’s healthcare is that disease management is mainly focusing on insights gathered at population level. Prof. Peeters strives to achieve a “next-generation of management” by supercharging with insights gained from Big Data, following the idea that “Data Saves Lives”. Therefore, the group investigates new methods to handle and analyse Big Data, with a specific focus on the chronic disease multiple sclerosis (MS) and on 3 main clinical challenges:
dr. Lotte Geys has a doctoral degree in Biomedical Sciences (KU Leuven, June 2017) and started, after 2,5 years of work experience in the industry as clinical data manager, in December 2019 in the Research Group in Biomedical Data Sciences. Lotte’s role in the group is to coordinate and supervise most of the projects and activities as well as support the kick-off of new projects.