Thinking about how you shape your career means using different competences:
This overview is not exhaustive; we have made a first selection of potentially interesting links, self-tests and modules, ... in your search for a job or internship, ... You can mail suggestions to
Not tired of studying yet? You can always start an additional study after graduating from UHasselt.
After obtaining your master's degree, there are several options. We list a few for you.
Do you as a non-EEA student want to stay in Belgium after graduation, look for a job, or start your own business? Then, you are eligible for a residence permit for a 'search year' or 'orientation year'.
Meet some students and learn about the opportunities available for you in Belgium.
Understanding these components helps guide your search.
What is going well for me? What have I mastered? What competencies and talents do I have?
Thinking about your competencies and talents ensures that you make a more confident choice (study, work), focus on the competencies you want to improve and profile yourself as a unique person.
Discover your talents and competencies by considering the following points:
With strengths, you can convince an employer.
Bringing your lesser facets into focus can't hurt, either. An employer will also ask about your lesser strengths, work points or pitfalls. Think about how you can address your work points.
Contact your study coach to gain insight into your interests, values, talents and competencies and expand your network.
The Word Economic Forum provides more information on the jobs of the future.
What is the best company for me?
! On numerous websites and platforms, you can sign up for job alerts to constantly inform you about jobs.
Several databases aggregate job postings from employers committed to an inclusive culture (persons with disabilities, etc.).:
You can find more information about the career prospects of each study programme (EN) on the UHasselt website (e.g. Master of Management).
You may also want to explore less apparent sectors and professions that, at first glance, do not immediately match your education. With a university degree, you have gained much knowledge and developed competencies (communication-digital skills, problem-solving thinking, etc.). You will use and optimise these skills and competencies in your future workplace.
Build a network and maintain it. A lot of graduates find their job through their network. By networking, you can collect a lot of information about sectors, companies and positions and become aware of job opportunities.
A lot of graduates find a job through family, friends or acquaintances. Let them know that you’re looking for a job.
Keep maintaining your contacts. Try to expand your network continuously.
You can network physically and online.
Get to know people and expand your network:
How can you prepare for a job fair?
Read the guide to networking
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Meetup) in general, but a channel such as LinkedIn makes it possible to make professional connections.
Interesting links:
You can promote yourself in various ways (during job interviews, networking events, on LinkedIn, etc.) to individuals interested in your career development.
How to practice your following assessment?
Reflect on the experiences you've accumulated throughout your career and time at UH, especially those gained alongside your education. What insights have these experiences provided you with?
Reflections during your training
What actions can I take to steer my career based on my qualities, motives, network, etc.?