Distance learning

Stay connected

Keep in touch with your programme, your tutors and fellow students.

  • it motivates you
  • it helps you process your learning and
  • you become part of the student community
  • Keep the same rhythm with a group of fellow students: study simultaneously (possibly together via video chat) and then take a break at the same time.
  • Agree with your housemates to take breaks together (e.g. four-hour break, meals, etc.)
  • Plan a (fixed) time to contact family members or friends
  • Meet these tools to stay in touch online (website)
  • If you have the choice of taking classes online or on campus, try to go to campus as much as possible

Study efficiently and effectively

Treat your online class just like an on-campus class

Bring variety to your study method.

Don't read the same textbook all day; make exercises or alternate with another subject.

Want more study tips?

Check out our e-module study method. The tips are helpful for both on-campus and online classes!

Manage your time

Keep structure in your day/week

When you have an (online) class, you also do something for this subject. You don't procrastinate on this.

Don't spend more time than necessary on your online lessons

Listening to recorded lectures can take more time and energy than attending a physical class. Apply the Pomodoro technique:

  • 25 minutes of concentrated listening
  • 5 minutes of pausing

After four blocks, take an extended break (and you may also have listened to your lesson).

Want more tips on study planning?

Get inspired by our e-module time management (website)

Monitor your concentration

Concentrating is not always easy at home.

These tips can help:

  • Study with your siblings, choose a study place or study online 'together' with friends. There are also online study buddies (check YouTube)
  • Organise a "standard working day" for yourself. For example, study every day from 9 am to 5.30 pm. A certain rhythm will give you a grip and structure
  • The Pomodoro technique helps you stay focused:
  • blocks of 25 minutes of uninterrupted study time
  • followed by a short break of about five minutes

More info in this infographic of the Pomodoro technique, or watch this video to work smarter (3').

Inform your housemates and your friends of your daily schedule

That way, no one will disturb you while studying, and your focus won't be interrupted.

Are you looking for more concentration tips?

Check out our e-module Focus (website).

Feed your motivation

Online group work

  • Tips on working together in online groups (Infographic)
  • Share documents via, e.g. Google Drive so that you can work on them at the same time
  • Agree on clear deadlines by which (sub)tasks must be completed. Take into account deadlines for submission & feedback from the teacher
  • Agree for online meetings via video chat

Online evaluation

Read our study tips on how to prepare for exams.

How to proceed?

  • Time to try some things

This website offers many tips on distance learning. Now:

  • Write down the ideas and tips you want to try
  • Choose one idea or tip to start with
  • Pick a date and a time and try out the new idea

Check out our topic, ‘self-regulation, for more tips to make your resolutions successful.

  • Make an appointment

Would you like some personal advice on how to approach distance learning?
Would you like to discuss your approach personally with a study coach?

→ Don’t hesitate to make a free appointment with one of the study coaches of your programme, online or on campus! The study coaches are happy to help you.