Welcome at imo-imomec

Imo-imomec is a joint research institute of Hasselt University and imec where chemists, physicists and engineers conduct multidisciplinary materials research. We focus on advanced material systems for a sustainable and healthy society. Our core domains are energy conversion, energy storage, sustainable materials, sensors & healthcare materials and quantum technologies.

Algemeen Beeld Imo 10 8 2021 (1) Algemeen Beeld Imo 10 8 2021 (1)


06 May 2025 - 09 May 2025

Intersolar Europe

12:00 - 12:00
13 May 2025 - 15 May 2025

tandemPV Workshop

09:00 - 17:00
All events

How to collaborate with imo-imomec?

  • Joint research projects: research and development in close cooperation, financed by a third party (e.g. FWO, VLAIO, Horizon Europe, EFRO)
  • Technology/knowledge transfer: you can strengthen your market position through licensing and access to our existing technologies and expertise
  • Partnership: you can cooperate with imo-imomec and use our technology (possibly) in combination with your own technology to set up a new company
  • Scientific services: imo-imomec has over 30 years of expertise in applied and contract research in collaboration with industry
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Since the foundation of imo-imomec, (inter)national partnerships have always been treated as a priority to support and valorize our research and service activities.

Would you like to discuss a new opportunity or get in touch with one of our partners? Do not hesitate to contact us.

EnergyVille logo

EnergyVille, a research collaboration in the fields of sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems.

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Solliance, a research collaboration in the field of the newest generation of solar cells.

Catalisti, the spearhead cluster for the chemical and plastics industry in Flanders.

Catalisti, the spearhead cluster for the chemical and plastics industry in Flanders.

Flux50, the spearhead cluster for the smart energy industry in Flanders.

Flux50, the spearhead cluster for the smart energy industry in Flanders.


Dr. Lieve De Doncker

dr. Lieve De Doncker

Innovation manager

Dr. Steven Van Hoof

Steven Van Hoof (3)

Innovation manager

Liesbeth Jamers

Liesbeth Jamers

Communications & events

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