Material analysis

In addition to fundamental and strategic basic research, imo-imomec also offers scientific services in collaboration with the industry. For these scientific services imo-imomec focuses on four pillars: analytical chemistry, analytical microscopy, device engineering & physics, and packaging materials.

Algemeen Beeld Imo 10 8 2021 (1) Algemeen Beeld Imo 10 8 2021 (1)

Meet our service unit

The Institute for Materials Research (imo-imomec), based at the Hasselt University campus in Diepenbeek, has built a vast expertise in the field of materials science. Since its foundation in 1990, the institute has placed a particular focus on cooperation with (local) businesses to improve their products and activities. Anno 2022, imo-imomec can rely on more than 5000 m2 of state-of-the-art lab infrastructure, divided over four different locations.

Our team is strongly multidisciplinary: chemists (ACC), physicists (AMS), and engineers (EMAP & MPR&S) are working together to support companies with their (R&D) challenges. Therefore, our experts can assist you in a wide range of research domains: feasibility study, product development, production optimization, quality control, failure analysis, and packaging & transportation. More information on our scientific servicing activities and key laboratory equipment can be found below. Does your problem not fit into one of the areas mentioned or do you have a specific question? Our business developer will be happy to help you.

Talk to our team


Dr. Steven Van Hoof

Steven Van Hoof (3)

Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium


Innovation manager


Gebouw IMO Foto1

Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

Research institute
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