FME talk: Reshaping Electronics

Welcome at the FME talk series on development and understanding of printable functional materials.

19 February 2024
11:00 - 12:30
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This event has already taken place.

By Prof. Shweta Agarwala

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark
Chair, IEEE Denmark Women in Engineering AG
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Prof. Shweta Agarwala

Sustainability and health are two of the global challenges recognized by UN. Electronics is the pillar that supports the innovation in these sectors. However, current electronic components are non-biodegradable and release toxins in environment, while the implanted electronics is not compatible with soft human tissues. The aim of my research is to overcome these challenges through i) development of novel electronic material library, and ii) next-generation devices with new form factors. Through green chemistry we have developed novel biodegradable, biocompatible and bioresorbable electronic materials. Printed electronics is the new emerging fabrication technique that allows electronic components, circuits and devices to be put on a desired surface using nanoparticle inks. The synthesized materials are converted into printable inks to fabricate soft and flexible devices. I will highlight some of the case studies on the application of the materials and flexible devices.

About the speaker

Shweta is an Associate professor at ECE, Aarhus University, Denmark and heads ‘Printed Electronics Technology’ laboratory. Her research vision is to build sustainable electronics through soft and biodegradable electronic materials. Her research group is working on building biodegradable material library with novel electronic functionalities and using 3D printing for flexible devices with applications in healthcare, wearables, smart textiles and soft robotics. She obtained her Master's at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and later defended PhD at National University of Singapore (Singapore). She was a postdoc at the Energy Research Institute in Singapore, and later went to Singapore Centre for 3D Printing to pursue research in printed electronics before travelling to Denmark. Shweta is author of more than 50 peer-reviewed papers published in internationally renowned journals, conferences, and books. She serves as the chair of IEEE Women in engineering Denmark section, and is an advocate of engaging more females in STEM. Currently, she is in Singapore as visiting faculty at School of Materials Science and Engineering, NTU.

Practical details

Online event
19 February 2024

Participation is free, but please confirm your attendance by 16 February.

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