Bram Bijnens

  • Master in Physics

  • Solid-state physics

  • Strong coupling and Polariton physics

  • Nano-optics

  • Vacuum processing

Bram BS Bram BS

Bram Bijnens

Bram BS

Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

PhD Student

Bram Bijnens obtained a bachelor's degree in physics at Hasselt University. Next, for his master's degree, he went to KU Leuven. He graduated from the research track with a major in solid-state physics and a minor in theoretical physics. During the master, he performed a research internship on active particles under the supervision of prof. Maes. He wrote his dissertation on the modeling of microtubule dynamics in Gelens lab. Currently, Bram investigates strong coupling in organic devices at the OOE-group at IMO for his Ph.D.


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