Siebe Frederix

  • Bachelor and Master in Physics

  • Computational Physics

  • Electronic structure methods

  • Non-radiative voltage losses

Siebe BS Siebe BS

Siebe Frederix

Siebe BS

Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

PhD Student

Siebe Frederix obtained his Bachelor’s degree in physics at the University of Hasselt in 2019. Hereafter, he went to the Ghent University where he obtained a Master’s degree in Physics and Astronomy in 2021. For his thesis, he did research on molecular orbital localization methods at the Center for Molecular Modeling (CMM) under the supervision of Prof. Toon Verstraelen. At present, he is performing his Ph.D. in Physics at the OOE group where his work is centered around investigating non-radiative voltage losses in organic photovoltaics.