
SEIN members are actively involved in the coordination and delivery of educational modules (in Dutch and English) at the UHasselt Business and Economics Faculty. We contribute as either lead instructors or guest lecturers also in other facilities in various courses across three broad disciplines: Business and Management, Research Methods, and Behavioural Sciences.

Click on the course you're interested in to learn more.

SEIN members responsible for the following courses

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Research Methods

Qualitative Research Methods (4309)

Research Methodology and Literature Study (4685)

Research Methodology and Literature Study (4965)

Onderzoeksmethodologie (3506)

Onderzoeksmethodologie (3876)

Kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden (3721)

Literatuurstudie TEW (4496)

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Business Economics

Diversity, equality and inclusion in organizations (2062)

Strategic HRM (1697)

Sociaal ondernemerschap (3860)

MVO en bedrijfsethiek (3712)

Innovatief HRM en veranderingsmanagement (2068)

1 Voorkant Gebouw D Lr 038

Behavioural Sciences

Globalization and sustainable development (1955)

Filosofie (3508)

Psychologie en groepsdynamica (3510)

Psychologie en groepsdynamica (3877)


SEIN members contribute to the following courses

SEIN members participate as guest lecturers in courses in different faculties of UHasselt, mainly teaching personal development. This includes: mentorship, group dynamics, presentation skills, self-reflection and tutoring skills. 

Gebouw D Bibliotheek Hr 21
  • Mentoring track in Capita selecta I (3527) and Capital selecta II (3759)
  • Presentation skills: Bedrijfsscan (3280) and Business process management  (3347)
  • Group work and presentation skills: Basisvaardigheden Chemie (3461)
  • Tutoring skills: Student en maatschappij (4182
  • Group dynamics and self-reflection skills: Project-en Communicatievaardigheden deel 2 (4984