
With this guide, you can easily find out which books and journals are available in the RBL and where they are located.


Bookcases | Journals

  • The black buttons allow you to check which journals are available in which database(s). More explanations about these and other platforms can be found in our finding aid for legal e-sources and the list of e-sources.
  • In the dropdown lists, you find which journals are placed in each bookcase. Through the links to the catalogue (icon after the title), you can check if you can consult the journal online and through which database. Note: for a number of journals that have changed publishers over the years, you will find a first series of volumes in one database and the following in another. This is indicated via the links or directly in the catalogue description.
  • The arrangement in the journal bookcases is alphabetical by title (not according to the placement numbers in the catalogue). Journals of which the title has changed in the past are generally found under the current title.

Journals 1 | 'Actualités du droit de la famille' - 'Eigenaarsmagazine'


  • Actualités du droit de la famille |
  • Administration publique |
  • Algemeen fiscaal tijdschrift |
  • Arresten van het Hof van Cassatie |
    Formerly: Arresten van het Hof van Verbreking : Nederlandse teksten | (available in closed stacks)
  • b-arbitra | 2013-2017 | 2017- |
  • Belgisch tijdschrift voor sociale zekerheid |


  • Belgisch tijdschrift voor sociale zekerheid |
  • Bericht aan het notariaat | 2017- |
    Formerly: Nieuw notarieel kwartaalschrift | 2008-2019 |
  • Competitio |
  • Computerrecht |
  • Consumentenrecht |
  • DAOR: Internationaal tijdschrift voor ondernemingsrecht |
  • De Fiscale koerier |
  • Gids op maatschappelijk gebied |
  • De Juristenkrant |
  • Die praxis des Familienrechts |
  • Droit & patrimoine |
  • Droit de la famille |
  • Eigenaarsmagazine |

Journals 2 | 'European energy & environmental law review' - 'Lokale en regionale belastingen'


  • European energy and environmental law review |
  • Fiscale actualiteit |
  • Fiscale jurisprudentie |
  • Fiscoloog |
  • Fiscoloog internationaal |
  • Tijdschrift huur | 2013- |
    Formerly: Huur: het huurrecht in de praktijk | 1999-2012 |
  • Info@law |
  • Journal de droit fiscal | 1975- | 
    Formerly: Journal pratique de droit fiscal | 1927-1974 | (available in closed stacks)
    Formerly: La revue fiscale | 1953-1974 | (available in closed stacks)
  • Journal des tribunaux |


  • Journal des tribunaux |
  • Journal des tribunaux du travail |
  • Journal du droit des jeunes |
  • Journal of world trade | 1988- |
    Formerly: Journal of world trade law | 1967-1987 |
  • Jura Falconis |
  • Jurisprudentie personen- en familierecht |
  • Limburgs rechtsleven | 1975-2011 | 2012- |
  • ICIP | 2007- |
    Formerly: L'ingénieur-conseil : revue de droit intellectuel | 2003-2006 |
    Formerly: L'ingénieur-conseil : revue de droit intellectuel  | 1935-2002 |
    Formerly: L’ingénieur-conseil: revue technique et juridique des droits intellectuels | 1910-1935 |
  • Lokale en regionale belastingen |

Journals 3 | 'Milieu- en energierecht' - 'Pasicrisie belge'


  • Milieu- en energierecht |
  • Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement |
  • Nieuw Juridisch Weekblad |
    Formerly: Recente arresten Hof van Cassatie | 1992-2001 |
    Formerly: Algemeen juridisch tijdschrift | 1994-2002 |
  • Nieuwsbrief notariaat |
  • Nieuwsbrief ontslag |
  • Notamus |
  • Notarieel en fiscaal maandblad |
  • Nullum Crimen |
  • Oriëntations |
  • Oriëntatie |
  • Panopticon |


  • Pasicrisie belge |

Journals 4 | 'Pasicrise belge' - 'Revue de droit international et de droit comparé'


  • Pasicrisie belge |
  • Politics of the Low Countries |
  • Personeelsbeleid |
  • Politienieuws |
  • Publiekrechtelijke kronieken |
  • Rechtskundig weekblad |
  • Rechtspraak Antwerpen Brussel Gent |
  • Rechtspraak familierecht |
  • Recueil Général de l’enregistrement et du notariat |
  • Registratierechten |


  • Répertoire notarial |
  • Res et jura immobilia |
  • Res publica : tijdschrift voor politieke wetenschappen |
  • Revue belge de droit constitutionnel |
  • Revue belge de droit international |
  • Revue critique de jurisprudence belge |
  • Revue de droit international et de droit comparé |

Journals 5 | 'Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie' - 'Sociale actualiteit'


  • Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie |
  • Revue de fiscalité régionale et locale |
  • Revue de jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles | 1987- |
    Formerly: Jurisprudence de Liège | 1978-1986 | (available in closed stacks)
    Formerly: Jurisprudence de la Cour d'appel de Liège et des juridictions de son ressort | 1888-1978 | (available in closed stacks)
  • Revue de notariat belge (= Notarius: tijdschrift voor het notariaat) |
  • Revue générale des assurances et des responsabilités |


  • Revue générale du contentieux fiscal |
  • Revue internationale de droit économique |
  • Revue trimestrielle de droit familial |
  • Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme |
  • Informatieblad van het RIZIV |
  • Samenleving & politiek |
  • SEW: tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht |
  • Sociaalrechtelijke kronieken |
  • Sociale wegwijzer | 2005- |
    Formerly: Kijk uit | 1975-2004 |
    Formerly: Sociale actualiteit | 1992-2004 |

Journals 6 | 'STORM' - 'Tijdschrift voor milieurecht'


  • STORM |
  • Successierechten |
  • Tijdschrift Estate Planning |
  • Tijdschrift van de vrede- en politierechters | 1892-2005 |
    Continued: Tijdschrift van de vrederechters | 2006- |
    Continued: Tijdschrift van de politierechters | 2006- |
  • Tijdschrift voor aannemingsrecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor agrarisch recht |
  • Tijdschrift voor appartements- en immorecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor Belgisch burgerlijk recht |
  • Tijdschrift voor Belgisch handelsrecht | 1983- |
    Formerly: Belgische rechtspraak in handelszaken = Jurisprudence commerciale de Belgique | 1968-1982 |
    Formerly: Jurisprudence commerciale de Bruxelles |


  • Tijdschrift voor Belgisch handelsrecht | 1983- |
    Formerly: Belgische rechtspraak in handelszaken = Jurisprudence commerciale de Belgique | 1968-1982 |
    Formerly: Jurisprudence commerciale de Bruxelles |
  • Tijdschrift voor bestuurswetenschappen en publiekrecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor familie- en jeugdrecht |
  • Echtscheidingsjournaal | 1995-2006 |
    Continued: Tijdschrift voor familierecht | 2007- |
  • Tijdschrift voor fiscaal recht |
  • Tijdschrift voor formeel belastingrecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor gemeenterecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor gezondheidsrecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor jeugdrecht en kinderrechten |
  • Tijdschrift voor milieurecht |

Journals 7 | 'Tijdschrift voor notarissen' - 'Tijdschrift voor wetgeving (Omnilegie)'


  • Tijdschrift voor notarissen |
  • Tijdschrift voor omgevingsrecht en omgevingsbeleid |
  • Tijdschrift voor onderwijsrecht en onderwijsbeleid |
  • Tijdschrift voor privaatrecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor procesrecht en bewijsrecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor rechtspersoon en vennootschap |
    Continued: Revue pratique des sociétés - Tijdschrift voor rechtspersoon en vennootschap |
    Formerly: Revue pratique des sociétés |
  • Tijdschrift voor regionale fiscaliteit |


  • Tijdschrift voor ruimtelijke ordening en stedenbouw |
  • Tijdschrift voor ruimtelijke ordening en stedenbouw nieuwsbrief |
  • Tijdschrift voor sociaal recht |
  • Tijdschrift voor staatssteun |
  • Tijdschrift voor strafrecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor verzekeringen | 1969- |
    Formerly: Bulletin des assurances | 1922-1968 |
  • Tijdschrift voor vreemdelingenrecht |
  • Tijdschrift voor wetgeving | 1998- |
    Formerly: Omnilegie | 1952-1998 |

Journals 8 | 'Tijdschrift voor wetgeving (Omnilegie)' - 'Weekblad fiscaal recht'


  • Tijdschrift voor wetgeving | 1998- |
    Formerly: Omnilegie | 1952-1998 |
  • Vakblad Estate Planning |
  • Verkeer, aansprakelijkheid en verzekering | 1997-2003 |
    Formerly: Tijdschrift voor aansprakelijkheid en verzekering in het wegverkeer |
    Formerly: Wegverkeer | (beschikbaar in het archief)
  • Verkeersrecht | 1985-2003 |
    Continued: Verkeer, aansprakelijkheid en verzekering | 2004- |
  • Viewz | 2016- |
    Formerly: OCMW visies | 1986-2016 |
  • VZW info |
  • Weekblad voor fiscaal recht |

Bookcases | Books

  • In the dropdown lists, you find which classification codes are arranged in each rack. By clicking the icon at the end of the category title, you proceed to the results list in the UHasselt Anet catalog. There, you see which physical books are available for this main subject. Note: the results lists are arranged alphabetically by title and not by call number (author) as in the RBL.
  • Among the results, you will frequently also find books related to the main subject but classified under a different call number in the RBL. The RBL and UAntwerp (partially) use the same classification system but sometimes categorize books differently. Occasionally, this leads to inaccuracies in the results list. Therefore, always note the correct RBL call number before searching the shelves.
  • For titles that are available both physically and digitally, these lists also provide the link to the e-book, but if you are (primarily) looking for online publications, the Discovery Service and the A to Z list of e-journals and e-books are more effective as search tools. Keep in mind that important databases such as Strada lex, Jura, and LexNow are not searchable through these platforms.
  • Through the overview of e-sources, you can check which e-sources are not available through the Discovery Service. You will need to consult these e-sources separately. See also: Finding aid for legal e-sources.
  • In this overview, you can also check for each classification code which books are on the shelves .
  • The buttons below allow you to check which books are on the shelves through Strada lex, Jura, and LexNow.

Books 1 | 030.8 - 34 F


  • 030.8 Encyclopedias |
  • 030.82 Legal encyclopedias |
  • 10 Philosophy |
  • 141.7 Political philosophy |
  • 15 Psychology |
  • 16 Logic |
  • 17 General ethics |
  • 174 Deontology |
  • 301 Sociology |
  • 301.188.5 Legal sociology |
  • 32 Political sciences |
  • 33 Economics |
  • 336 Public finance |
  • 34 Law & Jurisprudence
    • A Reference works |


  • 34 Law & Jurisprudence
    • F Series |

Books 2 | 34 F - 34.09 G


  • 34 Law & Jurisprudence
    • F Series |


  • 34 Law & Jurisprudence
    • F Series |
    • G Monographs |
    • L-B Country code Belgium |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 34.09 Legal history
    • G Monographs |

Books 3 | 34.09 L-B - 342 L-...


  • 34.09 Legal history
    • L-B Country code Belgium |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 34.093 Roman law |
  • 340.015 Legal psychology |
  • 340.1 Legal philosophy |
  • 340.19 Natural law |
  • 340.33 Economic analysis of law |
  • 340.5 Comparative law |
  • 340.6 Forensic medicine |
  • 341 International law |
  • 341.1 International organisations |
  • 341.12 United Nations law |
  • 341.175 European law |


  • 341.175 European law |
  • 341.2 Treaties |
  • 341.3 Law of war |
  • 341.6 International arbitration |
  • 341.9 International private law
    • G Monographs |
    • L-B Country code Belgium |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 342 Constitutional law
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • G1 Constitutional law |
    • G2 Federalism, Theory of State |
    • G3 Suffrage |
    • G4 Constitution, Revisions, Reform |
    • G5 State bodies, regional institutions (as a whole) |
    • G6 Executive authority |
    • G7 Legislative authority |
    • G8 Judicial authority |
    • G9 External affairs |
    • G10 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |

Books 4 | 342.7 G - 343.9


  • 342.7 Fundamental rights and liberties
    • G Monographs |
    • L-B Country code Belgium |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 343 Criminal law
    • A1 Law codes |
    • A2 Article-by-article commentary |
    • A3 Standard reference works |
    • AA Compilations |
    • G1 General criminal law |
    • G2 Special criminal law: crimes |


  • 343 Criminal law
    • G2 Special criminal law: crimes |
    • G3 Criminal procedure law: justice |
    • G4 Detection - judicial enquiry |
    • G5 Special justice: criminal cases |
    • G6 Drugs |
    • G7 Fiscal law |
    • G8 Corporate criminal law |
    • G9 Environmental criminal law|
    • G10 Social and labour law |
    • G11 Road traffic |
    • G12 International criminal law |
    • G13 European criminal law |
    • G14 Special legislation |
    • G15 Victim |
    • G16 Alternative sentences |
    • G17 Enforcement penalties |
    • G18 Police law enforcement |
    • G+L-B+L-… Old numbering
  • 343.9 Criminology |

Books 5 | 347 A1 - 347.4 G1


  • 347 Civil law
    • A1 Law codes |
    • A2 Article-by-article comments |
    • A3 Principles of Belgian private law |
    • A4 Elementary works |
    • AA General works |
    • AR Series |
    • G+L-B+L-… Old numbering
  • 347.1 Generalities of civil law
    • AA General works |
    • G1 Persons |
    • G2 Parentage |
    • G3 Minors |


  • 347.1 Generalities of civil law
    • G4 Adults |
    • G5 Marriage and matrimonial property law |
    • G6 Divorce |
    • G7 Inheritances, gifts and wills |
    • G8 Miscellaneous |
    • G+L-B+L-… Old numbering
  • 347.2 Realty law
    • AA General |
    • G1 Commodities |
    • G2 Flat law and co-ownership law |
    • G3 Easements |
    • G4 Privileges and mortgages |
    • G+L-B+L-… Old numbering
  • 347.4 Commitments
    • G1 General |

Books 6 | 347.4 G1 - 347.72 A


  • 347.4 Commitments
    • G1 General |
    • G2 Special agreements |
    • G3 Buy-sell |
    • G4 Real estate rental |
    • G5 Lease |
    • G6 Rental of work and services |
    • G7 Loans / deposit |
    • G8 Mandate |
    • G9 Sureties |
    • G10 Settlement |
    • G11 Odds contracts |
    • G12 Miscellaneous |
    • G+L-B+L-… Old numbering
  • 347.5 Noncontractual liabilities. Torts
    • AA General - Standard reference works |
    • G1 Special liabilities |
    • G2 Damage |
    • G3 Damage estimate |
    • G4 Special legislation |
    • G Old numbering


  • 347.5 Noncontractual liabilities. Torts
    • L-B + L-… Old numbering
  • 347.6 Family law
    • AA General - Standard reference works |
    • G1 Family court |
    • G2 Juvenile court |
    • G+L-B+L-… Old numbering
  • 347.7 Commercial law. Company law
    • A Law codes|
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • AR Series |
    • G1 General corporate law |
    • G2 Special commercial agreements |
    • G3 Consumer law and market practices |
    • G4 Competition |
    • G5 Trade in agriculture, horticulture, livestock and fishery products |
    • G6 Corporate governance |
    • G7 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 347.71 Insolvency law
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • G1 Bankruptcy |
    • G2 Reorganisation |
    • G3 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 347.72 Companies
    • A Law codes |

Books 7 | 347.72 A - 347.9 G


  • 347.72 Companies
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • AR Series |
    • G1 Private limited company |
    • G2 Public limited company |
    • G3 Cooperative society |
    • G4 Other companies |
    • G5 European companies |
    • G6 Associations |
    • G7 Non-profit association |
    • G8 Corporate restructuring |
    • G9 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 347.73 Financial law
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • G1 Banking and finance |
    • G2 Financial documents |
    • G3 Financial markets and brokers |
    • G4 Special legislation |
    • G5 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 347.764 Insurance law
    • A Law codes|
    • AA Standard reference works |


  • 347.764 Insurance law
    • G1 Motor vehicle insurance |
    • G2 Insurance bill |
    • G3 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 347.77 Industrial and intellectual property
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • G1 Intellectual rights |
    • G2 Trademarks |
    • G3 Drawings and models |
    • G4 Patents |
    • G5 Copyright and related rights |
    • G6 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 347.78 Transport law
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • AR Series |
    • G1 Road traffic |
    • G2 Rail traffic |
    • G3 Air traffic |
    • G4 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 347.79 Maritime law |
  • 347.9 Private judicial law
    • A Law codes|
    • G Monographs |

Books 8 | 347.9 G - 35.072 G3


  • 347.9 Private judicial law
    • G Monographs |
    • L-B Country code Belgium |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 348 Canon law |
  • 35.07 Administrative law
    • A Law books |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • AR Series |
    • G1 Administrative law |
    • G2 Council of State, Legal protection, Administrative procedural law |


  • 35.07 Administrative law
    • G3 Publicity of government, Ombudsman |
    • G4 Public procurement, Public enterprises, "Government in private law", Utility concessions, PPP |
    • G5 Administrative commodities law |
    • G6 Budgetary law, Public finance |
    • G7Decentralisation, Provincial, Municipal Law, Intermunicipal, CPAS |
    • G8 Immigration and nationality law |
    • G9 Education law |
    • G10 Civil service and administrative disciplinary law |
    • G11 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 35.072 Environmental law
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • G1 Environment and energy law |
    • G2 International and European (Union) environment and energy law |
    • G3 Spatial planning, immovable heritage and expropriation |

Books 9 | 35.072 G3 - 351.83 AR


  • 35.072 Environmental law
    • G3 Spatial planning, immovable heritage and expropriation |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 351.72 Fiscal law
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • AR Series |
    • G1 Income tax |
    • G2 Fiscal procedure |
    • G3 Taxes assimilated to income |
    • G4 VAT |


  • 351.72 Fiscal law
    • G4 VAT |
    • G5 Customs and excise |
    • G6 Donation and inheritance tax |
    • G7 International and European fiscal law|
    • G8 Regional and local tax |
    • G9 Miscellaneous |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 351.83 Labour law
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • AR Series |

Books 10 | 351.83 AR - 94


  • 351.83 Labour law
    • AR Series |
    • G1 Individual labour relations |
      • G1.1 Labour agreements |
      • G1.2 Remuneration |
      • G1.3 Suspension - furloughs |
      • G1.4 Redundancy |
      • G1.5 Wellbeing at work |
    • G2 Collective labour relations |
      • G2.1 Social dialogue |
      • G2.2 Collective action |
      • G2.3 Restructure |
    • G3 Labour regulations |
    • G4 Miscellaneous|
    • G5 International and European labour law |
    • L-… Country code |


  • 351.84 Social security law
    • A Law codes |
    • AA Standard reference works |
    • AR Series |
    • G1 Employees |
    • G2 Self-employed workers |
    • G3 Government personnel |
    • G4 Social assistance |
    • G5 Miscellaneous |
    • G6 International en European social security law |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 351.85 Medical law
    • A Law codes |
    • G Monographs |
    • L-B Country code Belgium |
    • L-… Country code |
  • 355 War - military |
  • 65 Business economics |
  • 657 Accountancy |
  • 681.3 Computer/informatics |
  • 94 European history |

Floor plan


1 | Entrance RBL

2 | Information desk

3 | Journals A - ...

4 | Journals ... - Z

5 | Bookcase - books 1

6 | Bookcase - books 10

7 | Group work room 1

8 | Group work room 2

9 | Social space

10 | Print room

11 | Study spaces