Legal e-sources | Finding aid

Legislation, jurisprudence, and legal doctrine are spread across numerous online databases and (official government) websites. When searching for this information, a guide comes in very handy.

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The literature references in recent review articles and standard works are often an excellent starting point for more thorough research. They form a first structured guide, making the potentially overwhelming abundance of information less daunting.

Many books and journals can be consulted online via our Discovery Service, the A-to-Z list of e-journals and e-books, and specialized legal databases. Government websites provide access to data on legislation, jurisprudence, and legal scholarship.

In the Law Library, you will also find a comprehensive physical collection (see: Directions) that is fully aligned with the evolving information needs of students, researchers, lawyers, magistrates, and other actors from the legal field.

UHasselt Discovery Service | Possibilities and limitations

UHasselt Discovery Service

Through the UHasselt Discovery Service, you can find thousands of books and journal articles that you can immediately consult online.

  • You can also easily see which paper books and journals are available in the Campus Library and Law Library Limburg. Select the 'Library Catalog UHasselt | RBL' option in the filter list.
  • Using the filter list to the right of the results, you can refine your search results by type (books, journal articles...), discipline (law), keyword, and publication date.
    • These guidelines show you how to search for a physical book or journal using the catalog and locate it in the library.
    • In this overview, you will find the main categories and classification codes of the book collection. You can check which books are available in each classification code.
    • Using the Directions, you can easily find out which books and journals are physically available and where they are located.

A-to-Z list

Are you looking for a specific e-book or online magazine from the UHasselt collection, or do you want to check what is available in our collection? The overview of e-journals and e-books is a useful tool that allows you to navigate to the publications you need.

  • With the 'Browse by Subject' option, you can explore various legal subdomains.
  • With 'Browse by Title', you can easily find the book or magazine you are looking for and check if you have access to a specific title via the University Library.
  • Please note! You cannot search here for the titles of book chapters or articles, only for the title of complete books and magazines.

Note: Extensive databases such as JuraStrada lex and LexNow provide access to many legal books and magazines that were not disclosed through the A-to-Z list. It is therefore advisable to check if the publication you are looking for is available via one of these platforms.

What can you find in the Discovery Service?

Legal e-sources | Available through Discovery Service

What is not available in the Discovery Service?

  • Legislation and legal theory are primarily made available on the internet through the official websites of (national) governments and specialized publications, which can only be accessed (online) through (paid or unpaid) databases.
  • These important sources are generally not searchable with the Discovery Service. This is especially true for databases associated with Belgian legal publishers (Jura, Strada lex, and LexNow) that focus on Belgian law. Therefore, there is a risk of overlooking crucial information and recent developments.
  • You will need to navigate through a maze of legal databases and websites. For new users, it is often unclear where to find which information. Once you understand this well, you are well on your way.
Legal e-sources | Not available through Discovery Service

E-sources and government websites | Belgium

A number of practical tools, specialized databases, and (government) websites allow you to supplement and deepen the data concerning legislation, jurisprudence, and doctrine that you have collected through the general platforms JuraStrada lex and LexNow, depending on the subject or legal discipline.

Special databases

  • Fisconetplus, the fiscal database of the FPS Finance.
  • monKEY, a database on taxation, accountancy and company law.
  • SocialEye focuses on labour law and social security law (also collective agreements per sector).
  • On TaxWin Expert (only on campus) you will find data on VAT, personal income tax, corporate income tax, registration and inheritance tax...
  • The Kenniscentrum Kinderrechten (Children's Rights Knowledge Centre) provides access to tools, knowledge articles and research related to children's rights through its website.
  • Digithemis, legal history information system.
Special databases

  • Omdat is a free platform for Belgian case law.
  • Legidex provides access to consolidated Flemish, Walloon, Belgian and European legislation and contains a database of more than 370,000 judgments (verdicts, rulings...).
  • De 'Blauwe wetboeken van Die Keure' (Blue law books of Die Keure) can be found online in Omnilegie.
General databases

Practical tools

  • gives you a concise overview of relevant publications by branch of law.
  • Rechtsaf makes you familiar with legal abbreviations.
  • At you will find all kinds of legal classics collected in one place.
  • Le Docte is a quadrilingual legal dictionary (English, French, Dutch, German).

Government websites | Belgiumlex

On the portal site Belgiumlex, you can find out which government databases contain data on the parliamentary preparation of laws, internal legislation, international legislation, and jurisprudence, i.e. judgments and rulings of Belgian courts. Belgiumlex provides direct links to the (partial) information for each government database and - through the 'more info' button - a concise overview of the data you can find there.

Government databases

  • Belgian official gazette (Belgisch Staatsblad): Official publication of laws, Royal Decrees, decrees, etc. (available online since 1997).
  • Edulex Access to education legislation and circulars.
  • Justel contains
    • the titles of all legal and judicial texts published in the Belgian Official Gazette since 1945 (including older ones);
    • the complete consolidated version of the legislative texts published in the Belgian Official Gazette since 1994;
    • legislative texts prior to June 1994 in all domains (except for tax and administrative law).
  • Juridat, portal for Belgian legislation and jurisprudence.
  • Juportal, search engine for (published) judgments and decisions from courts and tribunals in Belgium.
  •, an alternative for Justel | Juportal.
  • Reflex allows searching for regulations applicable in Belgium and navigating to data from the Chamber of Representatives, the Senate, the Flemish Parliament, and other legal databases such as Justel.
  • Foreign affairs |Treaties. All treaties from 1987 onwards.
  • Flemish Codex contains the consolidated Flemish legislation.
  • Service for Administrative Jurisdictions (DBRC): Umbrella service for the Enforcement College (Handhavingscollege), the Council for Permit Disputes (Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen), the Council of Election Disputes (Raad voor Verkiezingsbetwistingen) and the Council for Disputes regarding Decisions on Study Progression (Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen).
  • Gallilex contains the legislation and regulations of the French-speaking community.
  • Wallex provides access to the legislation and regulations of the Walloon Region.
Government databases

E-sources and government websites | Europe & International

In addition to the resources offered by Maastricht University, Hasselt University provides access to several internationally oriented databases (Strada lex EuropeHein Online | Legal Source).

Furthermore, many online sources are freely accessible. On Globalex, in the 'International Law Research' and 'Comparative Law Research' sections, you can find an overview of databases and websites useful for (comparative) research on international legislation and jurisprudence. The 'Foreign Law Research' section provides an alphabetical list that links to at least one online research guide per country with information about the legal system and key sources.

Eur-Lex is the go-to resource for legislation and jurisprudence of the European Union. Information on legislation and preparatory texts can be found in the Official Journal and the Directory. Regarding jurisprudence, you can consult EU case law and Curia for the judgments of the Court of Justice since 1957. Through Find-eR, you can search open access publications, including those of the European Union.

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