Prof. dr. Bruno BONNECHERE

Prof. dr. Bruno BONNECHERE

About Me

Bruno Bonnechère completed his thesis on the development and use of serious games in rehabilitation under the joint supervision of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Faculty of Medicine) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Faculty of Engineering). This double degree allows him to have both a medical and technical vision on the latest technological developments in the field of rehabilitation, and of the healthcare sector in general.

He also has a Master in Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

After his thesis he did two postdocs in England: one at the University of Oxford at the Big Data Institute where he worked on modelling risk factors for dementia and stroke with a focus on ethnic risk differences.

He then did a postdoc at the University of Cambridge where he focused on automatic assessment of cognitive function using mobile applications and evaluating the feasibility of using these solutions in Africa.

He is now an assistant professor at the Faculty of Rehabilitation holding a chair on the use of new technologies in rehabilitation and is also member of the Data Science Institute of the University of Hasselt.

His research focuses on the development, validation and implementation of new technologies in the field. He is particularly interested in the use of the data collected during the rehabilitation (i.e., the rehabilomics) to build predictive model using machine learning and AI.

He is the coordinator of an international network of excellence on 'Technology-supported rehabilitation and innovation' funded by the FWO and is active in different projects aiming at implementing rehabilitation in low- and middle-income countries using affordable and portable technology.


Discipline codes: Rehabilitation sciences not elsewhere classified (03030699), Biostatistics (03030201), Epidemiology (03030202), Device biomechanics (02060302), Rehabilitation engineering (02060304), Behavioural neuroscience (03022301), Cognitive neuroscience (03022302), Other clinical sciences not elsewhere classified (03029999), Physiotherapy (03030603), Rehabilitation (03030604)

Supervised PhDs


13 research projects have been found


Involved in the following courses

Academic year 2024 - 2025

Academic year 2023 - 2024