Meet the jury Sebastián González

The day before his defence Sebastián González de Gortari invites his jury members to present themself at PXL MAD.

Afterwards you can join the exposition "Let's get Phygital" @ PXL MAD.

09 november 2023
14:00 - 18:00
PXL MAD, C0.33, Elfde Liniestraat 25, 3500 Hasselt

Dit event is reeds afgelopen

Timing van de Meet the Jury:

  • 14h00: Ānanda Josephson Storm
    • "The Singular Procession of the Great Fetish: Positivist Gods, the Religion of Humanity, and Sociology's Vanished Utopias"

  • 15h00: Mire Lee
    • "Look, I'm a fountain of filth raving mad with love: an artist talk"

  • 16h00: Michael Taussig
    • "Out Fetishizing the Fetish"

  • 17h00: Small break
Afterwards you can join the exposition "Let's get Phygital"

About the jury

  • Ānanda Josephson Storm

    Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm is an historian and philosopher of the Human Sciences. He is currently Professor of Religion and Chair of Science & Technology Studies at Williams College.

    Storm received his Ph.D. from Stanford University, his MA from Harvard University, and has held visiting positions at Princeton University, École Française d’Extrême-Orient, and Universität Leipzig (currently).

    He is the author of award-winning "The Invention of Religion in Japan" (2012), "The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity and the Birth of the Human Sciences" (2017), as well as "Metamodernism: The Future of Theory" (2021), all published by University of Chicago Press.

  • Mire Lee

    Mire Lee (b. Korea, 1988) is known for her kinetic sculptures that recall the fleshiness of limbs or the insides of the human body employing materials such as motors, pumps, lubricants, metal and silicone among others. Lee’s work challenges notions of selfhood, social acceptability, and cleanliness while engaging the senses in a visceral way outside the realm of intellect and language.

    Her work has been the subject of several solo exhibitions including Black Sun (2023), New Museum, New york and Look, I’m a fountain of love raving mad with love (2022), MMK(Museum für Moderne Kunst), Frankfurt; Lee has also participated in major international exhibitions including the Gwangju Biennale Pavilion Project (2018), 15th Biennale de Lyon, Lyon (2019), 59th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, the 58th Carnegie International, and Busan Biennial 2022.

  • Michael Taussig

    Born in Sydney in 1940 of Austrian refugee parents, his father being Jewish, Mick Taussig worked briefly as a medical doctor and then in 1969 as an anthropologist he studied the impact of agribusiness sugar plantations on the lives of Black peasants in the Cauca Valley of Colombia. Following that he resided with an indigenous shaman, Santiago Mutumbajoy, in the foothills of Andes above the Amazon basin, and then with ex-slave gold miners on the Pacific Coast. He became a professor of Performance Studies, then Anthropology, in New York City, and has published several books, including The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America; Shamanism Colonialism and the Wild Man, A study in Terror and Healing; Mimesis and Alterity, The Magic of the State; My Cocaine Museum, and recently The Mastery of Non-Mastery.
Register here for 'meet the jury' and/or the defence of Sebastián González

Date and location:

You can register for this event via this Google Form. Let us know if you will attend on campus or online (before November 5th).

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