BeNe brain stimulation symposium

You are cordially invited to the BeNe Brain Stimulation Symposium, hosted by UHasselt, in collaboration with Stichting Hersenstimulatie, KULeuven, UGent and VUB.

The conference will take place at the 9th of November 2022 in Hasselt, Belgium.

09 november 2022
09:00 - 18:00
Bene Newsitem Juist4 Bene Newsitem Juist4

Dit event is reeds afgelopen

The conference will include lectures from scientific researchers that made a significant impact on the field of noninvasive brain stimulation in recent years, lectures from young and upcoming researchers and poster sessions.

Practical information | Programme | Selected Oral Speakers

Practical information


Registration is closed.

  • Registration fee is €90.
  • PhD students can participate for €30.



  • Accreditation for medical doctors has been requested

How to get there:

  • Bike: There is plenty of room to park bicycle
  • Bus: The campus is located near the busstop 'Kolonel Dusart Plein'. The walk from the bus stop to the campus is 5 minutes.
  • Train: The train station is located at a distance of 1,3 km from the campus. You can chose to walk to campus or take a bus the 'Kolonel Dusart Plein'.
  • Car: Parking is an option in Hasselt. Please check the website to find a spot:

Want to submit an abstract?

Via the registration form, you can register for the symposium and submit an abstract for a poster presentation.

  • The deadline for oral presentations will be extended until September 30.
  • The deadline for posters will be extended to October 15.

On a competitive basis, abstracts from the poster presentations will be selected for oral presentations. Here, both the merit of the scientific work, as well as the seniority of the researcher will be taken into account, with a slight bias toward junior researchers.

Vlaamse Overheid Logo

Doctoral Schools UHasselt Logo

Contact: Sybren Van Hoornweder

PhD student


The tentative time-schedule is:


November 9, 2022

9h00 – 9h45:

Opening reception (with coffee)

9h45 – 11h00:

Poster presentations

11h00 – 11h15:

Opening words

11h15 – 12h00:

Keynote lecture Prof. Charlotte J. Stagg:

'Non-invasive neuromodulation as a tool to understand, and enhance, human motor learning.'

12h00 – 13h00:


13h00 - 13h45:

Keynote lecture Prof. Albino J. Oliveira-Maia:

'From brain stimulation to psychedelics: the time for interventional psychiatry'.

13h45 – 15h05:

Oral presentations 1(4 x 20 min)

15h05 - 15h25:

Coffee break

15h25 - 16h45:

Oral presentations 2 (4 x 20 min)


Poster presentations and closing reception

Selected Oral Speakers

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