Over mezelf

I am PhD candidate at the U-RISE research group since 2021. I studied speech-language pathology at Thomas More Antwerp and Educational Sciences at KULeuven. After I graduated in 2018 I started working at the faculty Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy of the UHasselt. I worked as an project employee of an innovative education project entitled 'Electronic learning paths as an innovative educational concept for the REKI bachelor's program at Hasselt University: the way to a higher learning efficiency'. My current research is part of a broader project funded by the Ministry of Education in Flanders and focuses primarily on the role of a data coach in supporting school teams in the use of data obtained from centralized tests. I do this research together with my promotor Prof. Dr. Katrien Struyven and my co-promotor Prof. Dr. Els Consuegra (VUB). Our work is situated within 'Steunpunt Centrale Toetsen in Onderwijs' which is a consortium of the five universities in Flanders (UHasselt, VUB, UGent, KULeuven, UAntwerpen) and 2 university colleges (AP Hogeschool Antwerpen, Artevelde Hogeschool Gent). This consortium is responsible for the development and outroll of centralized tests in Flanders. My research interests include data coaching, data-based decision-making in education and teacher professional development. In addition to my PhD, I also follow a teacher education program at the VUB.


Disciplinecodes: Algemene pedagogische en onderwijswetenschappen niet elders geclassificeerd (05030499), Lerarenopleiding (05030509), Beroepsonderwijs en -opleiding, levenslang leren (05030510), Onderwijskunde niet elders geclassificeerd (05030599)


Er zijn 1 onderzoeksprojecten gevonden


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Academiejaar 2024 - 2025

Academiejaar 2023 - 2024