Faculty of Law

Would you like to study a semester abroad at the youngest Law Faculty in Belgium? Are you longing for an unforgettable experience abroad? Come to Hasselt University / transnational University Limburg. We will provide you with our first-rate education and a variety of intriguing courses offered in English. Hasselt will provide you a city full of new people and new experiences.

Ride your bike. Broaden your horizons. Make friends for life. Try Dutch. Fail at Dutch. Taste new flavours. Feel alive. Explore new places. Fall in love. Fall out of love. Travel the world. And most of all: have fun! Every single day again.

SHOOT23 Herwerking HASSELT Buiten LR 028 SHOOT23 Herwerking HASSELT Buiten LR 028

Study at Faculty of Law


Hasselt University Faculty of Law dares you to:

  • Learn about cultures from all over the world, all while you’re in small, picturesque Hasselt.
  • Meet professors of our partners in education: Maastricht University and Catholic University of Leuven.
  • Get educated by our Problem Based Learning system, most likely a completely different education system than at your home university.
  • Make lifelong friends from all over the world. And then visit them all later.
  • Feed your curiosity, surprise yourself and benefit from your personal development.
  • Enjoy immensely.


Exchange students come to Hasselt University / transnational University Limburg within the framework of Erasmus and bilateral agreements with universities all over the world. If your university is an exchange partner of the Hasselt University Faculty of Law, you can apply for a study abroad period at the International Office of your own university. 

As an exchange student you do not have to pay a tuition fee at Hasselt University, but will continue to pay tuition to your home university. 

If you choose to study at Hasselt University as part of your law studies, we can offer you some interesting English taught courses.

Exchange Programme Law 24-25

Please take note that the available courses might be subject to change. The final study guide will be updated by 30th June, for the academic year afterwards. Changes to your learning agreement are allowed until one month after arrival at our institution.

Language of instruction: English

First Semester (September-February) 
16.09.2024 - 01.02.2025

1877Legal English3
1885Foundations of the European Union6
1955Globalization and sustainable development3
2156Private International Law6
2161Law and Economics6
3239European Environmental Law6
3660Introduction to the European Union*3
3661Introduction to Belgian Law3

* design for non-European students only

Second Semester (February-July) 
10.02.2025 - 02.07.2025

1884International Law6
1889Law of the Internal Market6
2165International Business Law6
2237Law and Power6
2242Advanced Employment Law6
3660Introduction to the European Union*3
3661Introduction to Belgian Law3

* for non-European students only


Exchange students who have knowledge of Dutch and meet all requirements for participation in bachelor and master courses of the Dutch programme may do so.
Please contact the Erasmus faculty coordinator for more information.
Outlines from the Dutch courses can be obtained from the study guide.

We look forward to welcoming you in the near future!

Unique profile

Our Problem Based Learning system is unique in Belgium! In such an educational environment students are personally responsible for their academic education. In small tutorial groups, they analyse problems, conduct discussions, exchange knowledge and formulate their learning goals as a group. This motivates them to do their own research.

By actively addressing a number of issues, students manage to grasp the theory and learn to apply their insights to various questions. Differing views enliven discussions and allow students to experience the true strength of the group’s cultural diversity. Moreover, students gain essential skills, such as how to present opinions, how to debate, how to write texts and how to work together.

Our learning system is effective: our graduates are assertive, independent and expert professionals. They are skillful in analysing complex issues, collecting and structuring information, working in international teams, conducting and leading discussions, and in creating and presenting ideas.

Unique Profile
2023 2024 Stojan Jakub Foto

Jakub Stojan

Exchange student Brno, Czech Republic

"Coming to Hasselt is like visiting a town you've never been to in your home country - although everything is new, you will find it friendly and familiar in every way possible. If you like local events, then Hasselt is the place for you - not only is there always something happening both on UHasselt and in Hasselt itself, but you will find yourself being a part of a tradition you never knew existed - maybe even drinking spirits from an inconspicous fountain while being cheered to by the locals!"

2023 2024 Stolz Carlotta Marburg Foto (1)

Carlotta Stolz

Exchange student Marburg, Germany

"It was the best experience I could have had during my time at university! Great people, great country, great university - it was just amazing and hard to leave.“

2023 2024 Brisola Gandara Victoria Foto

Victoria Brisola Gandara

Exchange student São Paulo, Brazil

"Studying at UHasselt as an exchange student has been an amazing experience and opportunity. The university staff is very welcoming and supportive, always being there when I needed them. The Law program is one of a kind, and being able to study at UHasselt will, for sure, be a great addition to my resume. Not only will it be professionally beneficial, but getting to know Belgian culture and all the country has to offer is enlightening. Experiencing different points of view is an amazing opportunity to grow personally as well. Finally, the city is beautiful (and the fries are amazing)! I wish everyone could experience this."

Testimonial Maik Kristen, exchange student Marburg University, Germany

Testimonial Tommaso Poli, exchange student Florence, Italy & Victor Rodini, exchange student São Paulo, Brazil

Our campus

The Law campus is situated in the centre of Hasselt.

Located, as it is, in the heart of the Belgian-Dutch-German Euroregion, Hasselt is a truly internationally-minded town. It is a stone’s throw away from cities such as Brussels, Liège (French speaking part of Belgium), Aachen (Germany) and Maastricht (the Netherlands), while Paris and London are all located within a couple of hundred kilometres of Hasselt. 

Hasselt is a dynamic student town where young people feel comfortable and at ease. The town organizes all kinds of theatrical performances, music and pop festivals, either in the open air or in the well-known Trixxo Arena. 

To taste Hasselt you can visit the Jenever (Gin) Museum, as well as to the many cosy restaurants and cafés dotted all over the town. You can visit St. Quentin’s Cathedral, the prestigious Fashion Museum, the Municipal Museum and the Virga Jesse Basilica, the beautiful Japanese Garden and the many green oases adorning the town. Hasselt is not only the capital of taste but also home to the true ‘bon vivant’!

Faculty of Law


Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium


Professor Niels Appermont


Academic responsible Internationalisation

Ingrid Vrancken


Staff member Internationalisation & Education

An Vrancken


Administrative support Internationalisation & Research