
All gravitational waves detectors are based on Michelson interferometers. Increasing the sensitivity of these detectors requires to minimize the noise in the output signal of the optomechanical system constituted by each of the arms of the interferometer combined with an end mirror. The major sources of quantum noises in optomechanical systems are the shot noise which is dependent on the number of photons injected into the system, and the quantum back-action noise (QBAN), due to the optomechanical interaction of the cavity field to the end mirror. The goal of the SingletSQL MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (2023 – 2025) is to suppress these two sources of quantum noise, by using the interaction of squeezed states of light with a spin-optomechanical hybrid system. The project includes both the theoretical study of this hybrid scheme, and its experimental implementation using ensembles of nuclear spins in diamond.

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IMEC, UHasselt


prof. dr. Milos Nesladek

Milos Nesladek
Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

dr. Lieve De Doncker

dr. Lieve De Doncker
Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Business developer