Welcome to the website of the Advanced Optical Microscopy Centre (AOMC), a fluorescence microscopy core facility at Hasselt University. Our facility offers researchers access to state-of-the-art fluorescence microscopes and provides expertise and support for many types of experiments.
The AOMC is part of Flanders BioImaging, the inter-university consortium that supports international access to advanced imaging methods in Flanders. If you're interested in using AOMC equipment in your research, then Flanders Bioimaging can greatly facilitate your access to the AOMC infrastructure. Do not hesitate to apply through FBI!
The microscopes of the AOMC are very sensitive and expensive equipment. They should be handled with care at all times. Improper or careless use of the microscopes results in irreliable data and could put the systems out of use for an extended period of time, causing problems for your research as well as the projects of other users. Therefore all users are expected to read, understand and comply to the following rules:
In order to ensure continued support by the Advanced Optical Microscopy Centre, it is essential to acknowledge its role in the acquisition and/or analysis of microscopy data for publications and grant applications. Below you can find a template that can be used in all your publications.
We acknowledge the Advanced Optical Microscopy Centre at Hasselt University for support with the microscopy experiments.
Microscopy was made possible by
For posters and presentations, please include a link to the AOMC webpage: www.uhasselt.be/AOMC.
Small, medium, large and very large versions of the logo can be downloaded and used on publications.
Additional information about how to correctly cite your affiliation can be found on this webpage.