About CERG

The Construction Engineering Research Group (CERG) focusses its research on the analytical, numerical and experimental assessment of the technical design of both structures and road infrastructure. In doing so, CERG wants to facilitate the transfer from fundamental research towards practical applications and into practice.

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Collaborate with CERG:

  • Joint research projects: research and development in close partnership possibly financed by a third party (FWO, VLAIO, EFRO, H2020,...)
  • Scientific services or consultancy
  • Technology/knowledge transfer: strengthen your market position by accessing our expertise or licencing our technology
  • Collaboration with the research group through bachelor and master theses or internships

Want to collaborate? Check our contact details below!


Dr. Ing. Rik Steensels

Wetenschapspark 34, 3590 Diepenbeek
Business Developer

Application Centre for Concrete and Construction

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Wetenschapspark 34, 3590 Diepenbeek