Prof. dr. Katrien STRUYVEN

Over mezelf

Let me shortly introduce myself professionally. I’m professor at the School for Educational Sciences at Hasselt University and chair of U-RISE - UHasselt Research on Innovative and Society-engaged Education. This school organises academic teacher education for secondary school teachers in Science & Technology, Arts & Architecture, Health Sciences and Business Education.

A pedagogical-didactical focus on teaching is key in our research. Studies investigate students’ and teachers’ perceptions, student learning and teachers’ experiences related to innovative instructional methods (peer assisted learning, student-activating teaching methods, case-based learning, problem-based learning) and new modes of assessment (portfolio, peer assessment, feedback) in mainstream, in higher and in teacher education. More recently, the topics of inclusive education, differentiated instruction and blended learning have gained importance in our work. Engaging all students in learning is what teaching is essentially about!

Our work resulted in many scientific publications in academic peer reviewed journals, such as Teaching and Teacher Education, as well as in many Dutch books and articles intended for local Flemish and Dutch-speaking teachers. Citation indicators show that our scientific work is used worldwide on a regular basis. We hope you will be compelled by it too...


Disciplinecodes: Lerarenopleiding en professionele ontwikkeling van leerkrachten (05030113), Lerarenopleiding (05030509), Onderwijspsychologie en educatief ontwerp (05030504), Curriculum en pedagogische theorie en ontwikkeling (05030501), Onderwijskunde op microniveau (05030508)

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