Prof. dr. Koen CUYPERS

Prof. dr. Koen CUYPERS

Over mezelf

Koen works at the Neurologic Rehabilitation research group at Hasselt University as an assistant professor. For more information  visit our BRAINS-lab website.

Regarding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), my group has internationally recognised expertise in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and is regularly consulted by other Flemish Universities for implementation of this technique in research projects. There is currently a strong collaboration (joint Phds) with the Translational MRI research group of Prof. Dr. Stefan Sunaert at UZ Leuven/KU Leuven. My lab uses MRS in an interdisciplinary context and is embedded in an international MRS consortium publishing together with top-level international universities such as Johns Hopkins (R. Edden), Weill Cornell Medical College (M. Mikkelsen), Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (A. Marsman), King’s College London (N. Puts) and many more.

Besides MRS, the group also uses other medical imaging methods such as diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). Often these techniques are used in am interdisciplinary and multimodal approach, combining them with non-invasive brain stimulation and neurophysiological recordings.

K. Cuypers is the PI of BRAINS-Lab and board member of a unique Flemish Ultra-High-Field MRI consortium. He is co-PI of the In2U –Inter-University Ultra-High-Field MRI Centre Flanders– and will implement MRS on 7T in Flanders. He is also the coordinator of the Neurochronometrics lab at REVAL. This is a high-tech, high-performance platform that combines non-invasive brain stimulation with neurophysiological brain measurements and aims to understand the human brain in relation to sensorimotor control, and to optimise novel neurorehabilitation paradigms in clinical practice via the combination of cutting-edge fundamental and clinical research.

K. Cuypers is board member of the Belgian Society for neuroscience (BSN) and Stichting Hersenstimulatie.

K. Cuypers has been involved in leading and organising national and international conferences and symposia in the past:

  • Main responsible/organizer 1st BeNe Brain Stimulation Symposium – UHasselt (BE) – November 9th, 2022
  • Co-organizer Belgian Society for Neuroscience conference – Brussels (BE) – June 6th, 2023
  • Co-organizer 2nd BeNe Brain Stimulation Symposium – Nijmegen (NL) – November 16-17, 2023
  • Main responsible/organizer 1st Belgian Magnetic Resonance Community Meeting (MaRBEL) – UHasselt (BE) – February 10th, 2024


Disciplinecodes: Nucleaire beeldvorming (03011804), Medische beeldvorming en therapie niet elders geclassificeerd (03011899), Elektrofysiologie (03013002), Neurofysiologie (03012306), Neurologische en neuromusculaire ziekten (03012305), Gedragsneurowetenschappen (03012301)

Begeleide doctoraten


Er zijn 24 onderzoeksprojecten gevonden

Kennistransfer en Innovatie


Brain for dummies - Nerdland 2023 (Brain Stimulation on-stage)

Brain Stimulation - Code van Coppens (national television - VTM)


Betrokken bij de volgende opleidingsonderdelen

Academiejaar 2024 - 2025

Academiejaar 2023 - 2024

In de kijker