There's many reasons and many ways to collaborate with us. We can help you provide novel insights in your nanoscopic biological systems with the expertise that we have in house, but our facility can also provide more complete services depending on your needs. You can contact us directly, through our business developers. But Flanders Bioimaging and Eurobioimaging can also facilitate your access to us.
Whether you're a student, doing a PhD or considering a postdoctoral career, if light microscopy intrigues you then our lab can help you to become an expert in Biophotonics! Contact us for an internship or job!
Flanders BioImaging (FBI) is an interuniversity consortium dedicated to biomedical imaging and advanced light microscopy, that was set up to integrate, optimize, rationalize and coordinate available imaging infrastructure in Flanders.
If you'd like to use imaging infrastructure in Flanders, Flanders Bioimaging can greatly facilitate this for you!
Our Lab is part of the European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences (Euro-BioImaging), that provides open physical user access to a broad range of state-of-the-art technologies in biological and biomedical imaging for life scientists. In addition, EuBI offers image data support and training for infrastructure users and providers. For more info, click here!
The consortium was successfully evaluated by the EU EuroBioImaging (EuBi) project, which achieved European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) status in 2019. EuBI is also part of the European Open Science Cloud/European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) cluster project (EOSC-Life, WP2) with the goal of developing cloud-based computational tools and workflows that process biomedical data, and FBI co-ordinates with this initiative and the ELIXIR project.
Our Lab is part of the global FRET community, a hub for dissemination, joint community-driven experimental or computational challenges, community-driven development of analysis tools, sharing data and tools, establishing guidelines for documentation and validation of experiments, analysis and simulations, and advance the presence of FRET among the scientific community. Thus, the FRET community is an open and transparent organization of researchers for advancing the FRET field and for having a joint voice in the communication with other researchers, communities and societies.
While the starting point and scientific focus of this community is fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging using Förster resonance energy transfer, members of related fields that use fluorescence in the broader sense are always welcome.
The aims of this community are: