In our third FWO IRI project FBI-LIAISE (2023-2026) we enter Eurobioimaging as a member node, opening up imaging research infrastructure in Flanders to Europe and the World.


Flanders BioImaging Leading Imaging Application Integrated Service & Enablement (FBI-LIAISE)

Flanders Bioimaging (FBI) is an interuniversity consortium of advanced light microscopy and biomedical imaging core facilities set up to integrate, optimize and co-ordinate the available imaging infrastructure in Flanders. This infrastructure allows imaging from the molecular scale, via small and large animal models to human biomedical imaging, and the main aim is to provide seamless international research access via linking to the EuroBioImaging (EuBI) project, which achieved European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) status in 2019. This includes advising on study design, novel modes of access (e.g. sample shipping), the use of novel techniques, and user training in all aspects from data collection to analysis and interpretation. EuBI is also part of the European Science Cloud-Life (EOSC-Life) ESFRI cluster project (WP2), which aims to develop cloud-based computational tools and workflows for biomedical image data processing, and FBI also seeks to develop seamless workflows for data management for imaging core facilities in Flanders.

Keywords: Biomedical image processing

Disciplines: Diagnostic radiology, Nuclear imaging, Neurosciences not elsewhere classified


  • LIMBO (microscopy)

    • Sebastian Munck (VIB)

    • Jelle Hendrix (UH)

    • Pieter Vandenberghe (KUL)

    • Winnok De Vos (UAnt)

    • Kevin Braeckmans (UGhent)

  • FLAMINGO (clinical imaging)

    • Sigrid Stroobants (UZA)

    • Koen Van Laere (UZL)

    • Stefaan Vandenberghe (UZGh)

    • Christian Vanhove (UZGh)

    • Tony Lahoutte (UZBr)

Acknowledgement: Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, I000123N)

FRIS info page


prof. dr. Jelle HENDRIX


Agoralaan C (BIOMED), B3590 Diepenbeek

Associate Professor

Microscopy Facility


Agoralaan C (BIOMED), B3590 Diepenbeek

Business Development


Agoralaan C (BIOMED), B3590 Diepenbeek

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