Joint Modeling of Multivariate Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data in Medical Research
Moses Mwangi for the title Doctor of Sciences: Statistics (doctorate in progress)
Supervised as Promotor
Spatiotemporal analysis of COVID-19 epidemic in Belgium based on fractal dimension perspective and its’ association with mobility, ethnicity, and socio-economic status
Yessika Adelwin Natalia for the title Doctor of Sciences: Statistics (doctorate in progress)
Supervised as Promotor
Joint modelling of multiple longitudinal outcomes with application to mental health cluster symptoms and HIV status in rape victims.
Shibe Mhlongo for the title Doctor of Sciences: Statistics (doctorate in progress)
Supervised as Promotor
An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of continuous surrogate for binary true endpoints based on causal inference
Fenny Ong for the title Doctor of Sciences: Statistics in 2024
Supervised as Promotor
Statistical models in the evaluation of therapeutic success. Applications in Cancer and Covid-19
Lizet Sanchez for the title Doctor of Sciences: Statistics in 2023
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2031
Vaxinfectio - phase III (Research)
01/01/2022 - 31/12/2028
The Belgian Pandemic Intelligence Network (BE-PIN) (Research)
01/12/2023 - 01/03/2027
Joint modelling of multiple longitudinal outcomes with application to mental health cluster symptoms and HIV status in rape victims. (Research)
01/01/2023 - 31/10/2026
BOPP - building the Belgian Online Probability Panel (Research)
01/05/2022 - 30/04/2026
Innovative Statistical Methodologies to Improve Rare Diseases Clinical Trials in Limited Populations (Research)
01/12/2021 - 31/08/2024
Small sample repeated measures cross-over methods (Research)
01/01/2021 - 31/08/2024
An information theoretic approach for the evaluation of correlates of protection in a vaccine setting. (Research)
01/02/2020 - 31/01/2024
Statistics for development in Indonesia (Education)
01/01/2019 - 31/08/2022
Statistics for development (Education)
01/01/2018 - 31/08/2022
A Cuban-Flemish Training and Research Program in Data Science and Big Data Analysis (Education)
01/01/2018 - 31/08/2022
DSI COVID-19 team (Research)
15/06/2020 - 14/06/2022
Vaxinfectio phase II (Research)
01/01/2015 - 31/12/2021
The more you tell me how and why to avoid spreading COVID-19, the more I feel I can spare myself the trouble. Enhancing compliance with measures against COVID-19 by counteracting side-effects of appeals for preventive behaviour. (Research)
01/11/2020 - 31/10/2021
IOF mandate Sarah Vercruysse (Research)
01/01/2015 - 30/06/2019
IDEAL: Integrated DEsign and AnaLysis of small population group trials (Research)
01/11/2013 - 30/04/2017
Advanced modelling of CD4 count decline in ARV naive, HIV positive individuals in South Africa (Research)
01/02/2013 - 31/12/2016
Enhancing observational study design of infectious disease surveys using mathematical modelling techniques. (Research)
01/05/2016 - 31/07/2016
Statistical methodology for epidemiological and clinical research in childhood and maternal health in the context of mother to child transmission of HIV and other infectious diseases (Research)
01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015
historical demography (Research)
01/01/2011 - 31/12/2015
Data representativeness: issues and solutions (Research)
30/07/2013 - 31/03/2015
Coordination of scientific services and contract research. (Research)
01/01/2009 - 31/12/2014
VAXINFECTIO to suppress and prevent zymotic diseases (Research)
01/01/2008 - 31/12/2014
Statistical support for the assessment of GMO field trials (Research)
18/12/2012 - 19/10/2013
A Powerful Modeling Framework for Efficient Design and Analysis of Life Sciences Studies (Research)
01/01/2009 - 31/12/2012
A flexible method for modelling non-normal hierarchical data structures (Research)
01/01/2009 - 31/12/2012
Longitudinal methods for complex interactions in elderly populations. (Research)
01/09/2009 - 31/08/2011
Consultancy agreement (Research)
11/12/2008 - 10/12/2009
Request methodological support HIS2008 (Research)
18/05/2009 - 30/11/2009
Development of a SAS macro to import, analyse and visualize data from the DG-SANCO Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed Savety as a tool for ┐early warning└ (Research)